
Useful links and information for students covering finances, policy,campus and area housing, school information, UB Student Medical Insurance Policy and Disability Insurance.

  • Financial Aid
    The Financial Aid Office will be presenting a general informational session during orientation week reviewing topics such as cost of attendance and federal financial aid processes. The estimated cost of attendance and other pertinent financial aid information is already available to students through their HUB Student Center.
  • Health Insurance
    MD program and the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences continue to mandate all medical students to maintain health insurance coverage throughout their enrollment.
  • Housing
    Information about on-campus and off-campus housing. It also includes valuable information from UB Polity, Medicine's Student Government.
  • Jacob School of Medicine FAQ
    This FAQ page is updated by the Office of Student and Academic Affairs to assist students who have questions about the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
  • Learning Environment Policy
    The purpose of this document is to define student mistreatment and provide mechanisms for reporting violations.
  • Disability Insurance
    UB medical students are automatically enrolled in a disability insurance plan after paying the $75 annual premium that’s part of the fall tuition bill. Students can see the charge displayed on the cost of attendance page.