Pathophysiology and Pathology Conferences

Our pathophysiology and pathology conferences foster discussion, keep you current in the field and allow you to present cases from your clinical practice.

Pathophysiology (Basic Science) Conference

As a fellow in our program, you’ll team up with a faculty member to present at our pathophysiology (basic science) conference. 

During this conference, you’ll deepen your understanding of 30 core gastroenterology topics that have been carefully selected by a committee of our faculty and fellows. We place particular emphasis on basic science, normal physiology and pathobiology related to gastrointestinal biology and pathophysiology.


We hold our pathophysiology conference monthly.

Pathology Conference

Our pathology conference includes a didactic presentation by our experienced gastrointestinal pathologist, followed by case presentations. Along with faculty, you will present pathology slides from six to eight recent cases using a computer-based microscope projection system. Our pathologist reviews the slides and you’ll discuss cases with fellow trainees and faculty.

This conference increases your familiarity with diagnostic problems in gastrointestinal pathology and acquaints you with optimal methods for obtaining biopsies of the gastrointestinal tract.


We hold our pathology conference twice monthly.