We provide advisement for all students in the Jacobs School while they complete lower level major courses.
We are dedicated to helping you understand your degree program, requirements, and policies, and direct you to the resources and tools you need to achieve academic success. We will help you access essential information and acquire the skills to make well-informed decisions that will lead to the attainment of your educational, career and life goals.
Jacobs School students can schedule an appointment with their assigned advisor through Navigate.
We hold drop-in hours during the first week of classes when you can stop in and talk with any available advisor. During the other weeks, we request that you schedule an appointment through Navigate.
New freshmen attend a mandatory one-hour group advisement session in the fall. An email will be sent to your UB email account early in the semester so that you can schedule your session.
This session will be led by an advisor in the office. You'll learn about the fundamental requirements and resources you will need to earn your degree. You will also receive a personalized curriculum sheet to help you plan your courses for the following semester.
Once you complete your lower-level courses and advance into the upper level (and are approved to move into the upper level), you will then be directed to meet with the program director for your specific major.
At the end of every semester, each student will be reviewed to make sure they are still on track for their major.
Depending on major choice, students may be placed on major probation if they are not meeting the required GPA. Students will receive an email letting them know their status in their program.
If they are placed on major probation, a student will have one summer and one semester to get their major GPA back up to where it needs to be.
Are you on probation in your major? If after any semester you are below the minimum major GPA standards for the following majors, you are likely on probation in your major:
You will have one fall or spring semester (depending on the semester in which you fell below the standard) and one summer to raise your major GPA up to minimum standards. If you are still below the minimum GPA standards for your major, you will be dismissed from the major.
If you are on probation for your major, you should have received an email from our office explaining this as well as your next steps. You are now responsible for completing the next two tasks:
We understand that college can be a challenging time, with a lot of demands on your time and energy, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. However, we want you to know that at the Jacobs School we are here for you and you are not alone.
There are many resources available to you, both on campus and online, that can help you succeed and thrive during your college years. Whether you need academic support, career advice, mental health resources, or just someone to talk to, there are people and organizations that are dedicated to helping you. We also want you to know that it's okay to ask for help. You don't have to do everything on your own, and sometimes reaching out for support can be the best thing you can do for yourself. So please don't hesitate to seek out the resources that are available to you.
We want to check in to see how you're feeling. Submit the short form below to let us know what's going on. Your responses can be anonymous or if you would like an advisor to reach out, you can choose to put your person number.
South Campus
40 Biomedical Education Building
3435 Main Street
Phone: 716-829-5448
Email: JacobsSchoolUndergrad@buffalo.edu
Kelli Hickey
Enrollment Management & Biomedical Undergraduate Education
Ashley Fries
Academic Advisor
Genevieve Naklicki
Academic Advisor
Nathan J. Milroy
Student Success Coach
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo
Sarah Page
Student Success Coach
40 Biomedical Education Building
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo
Phone: (716) 829-2498
Email: spage@
Daniel LaRosa
Director of Student Affairs
Biotechnical and Clinical Laboratory Sciences
229 Cary Hall, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14214
Phone: (716) 829-5182
Email: dlarosa@
Shannon M. Brown
Neuroscience Coordinator/Jacobs School Curriculum & Assessment
Biomedical Undergraduate Education
955 Main Street Office 4215 Lab 4230 Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: (716) 829-6083; Fax: (716) 829-2725
Email: jsurtees@buffalo.edu
Gene Pohancsek
Academic Advisement Assistant
40 Biomedical Education Building
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo
Phone: (716) 829-5448
Email: Elp4@
Please email JacobsSchoolUndergrad@buffalo.edu for more information or to request to change your major.