Classnotes - 2020s

Dr. Tricia Mathew.

Tricia Mathew MD ’20, a resident physician at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, writes: “My big news besides matching in Illinois is that my wedding is postponed to 2021. My favorite memories of medical school include: studying in the annex and finding one of the rooms locked off because of a leaking ceiling; Dr. Inglis’ female reproductive system costume; flood in G26; Dr. Jacobsen’s workout classes in the atrium;, moving to a brand new medical school and finding out that the speaker system needed to be replaced; Dr. Dlugos’ hemipelvis cart; Dr. Sheehan’s dog, Mango, visiting; changing for anatomy in the hallway outside of the brain museum; Dr. Cotter’s review sessions; all the Franco's pizzas; Drs. Milling, Lesse and Jacobsen lip syncing for Follies.”

Dr. Thor Vandehei, MD '20.

Thor Vandehei, MD ’20, is a pediatrics resident at UB.


Richard Jin, MD ’20, is a resident at UC San Francisco!

Dr. Ridhima Ghei, MD '20.

Ridhima Ghei, MD ’20, is an emergency medicine resident at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn.

She writes: “My favorite memories of medical school include: having the same schedule as my classmates for the first two years; having the weekend off after exams to hang out with them; the amazing mentors who I met (especially in the specialty I chose); and the countless clinical experiences that shaped me.”

Christian Curatolo, MD ’20, is an orthopaedic resident at The Ohio State University Wexford Medical Center. He writes: “My favorite memories of medical school include sharing laughs and smiles with all my classmates through the most difficult times of medical school!”

Eric Gervey, MD ’20, is a resident at Tufts Medical Center.

Marek Falkowski, MD ’20, is an emergency medicine resident at the University of Rochester. 

Arsh Issany.

Arsh Issany, MD ’25, is an internal medicine resident at Strong Memorial Hospital of the University of Rochester.

While at the Jacobs School, he was involved with SAMSA, SNMA, the Gold Humanism Honor Society, the Lighthouse Clinic and the Gastroenterology Interest Group.

Courtney Olbrich.

Courtney Olbrich, MD ’25, I look forward to my residency in UB Family Medicine!!