Imtiaz Mohammed, PhD, in the Histology Core facility.
We provide histopathology services to students, faculty, researchers and clinicians at the University at Buffalo and in the larger Western New York community. Our facility can process tissue for paraffin embedding, section paraffin blocks and perform a wide variety of staining techniques.
We have two cryostats for sectioning frozen tissue specimens to facilitate rapid diagnosis, lipid and enzyme demonstration, certain immunohistochemical techniques and immunofluorescence work.
We collaborate with, train, advise and provide technical support for individuals in need of histology services for research, teaching or clinical interests. Please call us with questions about sample collection techniques to obtain optimal results from paraffin embedding and frozen section techniques.
This technique allows the preparation of sections as thin as three microns for routine and special histochemical staining, immunohistochemistry, in-situ hybridization, and PCR. Paraffin embedded tissues retain good morphology in archival blocks decades after the tissue was embedded.
Frozen section histology provides rapid results using unfixed tissue for techniques such as fat demonstration, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence and enzyme histochemistry. Most routine histologic stains can be performed on frozen tissue as well.
We offer automated IHC with the Leica Bond, a 30-slide stainer. Our automated stainer delivers quality, efficiency and total tissue care with definition staining and minimal tissue loss. Investigators can supply their own antibodies to be developed with our current ancillary reagents.
We are available to provide guidance on choosing appropriate antibodies and procedures for successful staining.
Our technicians can prepare slides to display multiple sections from a tissue sample. Collecting every section creates a serial section; taking sections at specified depths from a block (e.g., every 50 microns) creates a step section.
We can also perform special stains including Congo Red (for amyloid), Alcian Blue (acid mucopolysaccherides), Mucicarmine (mucin), Cresyl Violet (nerve cells and glia), Luxol Fast Blue (myelin), Prussian Blue (iron), and Giemsa and Wright’s (hematopoietic cells).
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
955 Main St, Room 3125
Buffalo, NY 14203-1121
Monday to Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone: 716-829-3093
Imtiaz Mohammad, PhD
Lead Histotechnologist
Histology Core Lab
955 Main St, Room 3125, Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: 716-829-3108
Please use Blue Services to request services from the Histology core.