About Us

Paul Kostyniak, PhD, has been affiliated with the Department of Biotechnical and Clinical Laboratory Sciences since 1995 and currently serves as department chair and director of the Toxicology Research Center.

Welcome to the home page of the Department of Biotechnical and Clinical Laboratory Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.

The department offers courses of study leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in biotechnology or medical technology, or the Master of Science degree in biotechnology. Information about each of the degree programs, about the faculty and their research interests and about the location of the department is available from this site.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Biotechnical and Clinical Laboratory Sciences is to prepare students for lifelong participation in health care delivery and the biotechnology industry in an instructional environment where students achieve their full intellectual potential.

The guiding philosophy is dedication to excellence in teaching, research, scholarship and community service. The faculty achieve programmatic excellence by continuing to assess the needs of students, alumni and employers.

  • Alumni
    Molinaro, Ross — BS degree 2000; MS degree 2002
  • Employment Opportunities
    We offer you the opportunity to work in a variety of university and clinical partnership environments.
  • About Buffalo
    Our region is characterized by a neighborly way of life, an unpretentious nature and spirited loyalty among residents.
  • Contact Us
    We are available to answer your questions about all of our departmental programs and activities.

Diversity Statement

The Department of Biotechnical and Clinical Laboratory Sciences recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusion in every aspect of medical education and practice. We believe diversity of background, perspective, and life experience enriches us all. We are committed to ensuring a welcoming and supportive environment where all individuals — faculty, fellows, students, staff, and members of the community we serve — feel valued and empowered to succeed and thrive.