Education and Training

Stephen Koury, PhD, and Kate Rittenhouse-Olson, PhD.

Stephen Koury, PhD, is our department’s director of graduate studies, and Kate Rittenhouse-Olson, PhD, is director of our biotechnology undergraduate program.

The department offers courses of study leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in biotechnology or medical technology, or the Master of Science degree in biotechnology.

  • Biotechnology (MS)
    The Master of Science degree program curriculum provides students with advanced course work in biotechnical and biomolecular sciences.
  • Biotechnology (BS)
    This program is appropriate for students interested in scientific careers in the rapidly expanding biotechnology industry. Interdisciplinary in approach, students create a curriculum from courses in various departments to suit their interest and focus.
  • Medical Laboratory Science (BS)
    Medical Laboratory Science, a field of applied biology and chemistry, is appropriate for students primarily interested in the delivery of health services.
  • How to Apply
    Get details on applying to our masters and undergraduate programs.