Recent Research Funding

We receive funding from a variety of sources that recognize the value of our high-impact research.

Stephen Koury, BS MT (ASCP), MS, PhD

  • The Metagenomics Education Partnership: Harnessing the Power of Microbial Genome Sequencing and Big Data with High School Students and Teachers. Stephen Koury (Co-Principal Investigator). NIH. $1,324,101. 6/1/2020-5/1/2025.

Tatsuaki Kurosaki, Ph.D.

  • RNA Misregulation in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 10 Cells. Tatsuaki Kurosaki (Principal Investigator). National Ataxia Foundation. $50,000. 3/1/2025-2/1/2026.

Jinwoo Park, PhD

  • Effects of mesolimbic amylin signaling on macronutrient intake. Jinwoo Park (Co-Investigator). NIH/NIDDK. $1,853,714. 12/1/2021-11/1/2026.
  • Role of Brain Norepinephrine Circuits in Substance Use Disorders. Jinwoo Park (Principal Investigator). SUNY Seed Grant Program. 7/1/2023-12/1/2025.
  • The Role of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis-Norepinephrine System in Amphetamine-type Stimulant Use Disorders. Jinwoo Park (Principal Investigator). NIH/NIDA. $3,225,662. 9/1/2023-6/1/2028.

Daesung Shin, PhD

  • The peripheral nervous system: A window into Krabbe disease. Daesung Shin (Co-Investigator). NIH-NINDS. $2,129,163. 2/1/2019-1/1/2025.
  • Selective galactosylceramidase ablation to study the pathogenesis of Krabbe leukodystrophy. Daesung Shin (Principal Investigator). SUNY Research Seed Grant Program. $40,000. 6/1/2024-11/1/2025.
  • Modulating Oligodendroglial NFkB as a Therapeutic Strategy for Krabbe Disease. Daesung Shin (Principal Investigator). The Rosenau Family Research Foundation. $250,000. 11/1/2024-1/1/2027.
  • Selective galactosylceramidase ablation to study the pathogenesis of Krabbe leukodystrophy. Daesung Shin (Principal Investigator). NIH. $2,013,407. 12/1/2024-12/1/2029.