Emergency Medicine Residency Program

We train experts in emergency medicine in a diverse, cutting edge environment of academic and clinical excellence, with attention to life balance and service to our community.

The primary goal of the residency is to prepare physicians for the clinical practice of emergency medicine. In addition, residents will also acquire the necessary skills to pursue an academic career in emergency medicine. Upon completion of our 3-year program, graduates are equipped to treat emergent patients in any setting, whether urban, suburban, rural, or in the field.

To accomplish these goals, the program provides both experiential and didactic training.  Patient care experience is provided in the emergency department under the direct supervision of faculty committed to quality resident education. Four core emergency departments are utilized to insure that residents are exposed to the full spectrum of illnesses and a broad range of patients. Residents are accorded graded, progressive responsibility as they advance.

An evaluation process is in place to verify resident progress in the development of the clinical judgment and technical skills needed to practice emergency medicine. A program of regular meetings with the program director and assistant program directors are scheduled to review resident progress and to help residents adapt to the stress of residency training and of increasing clinical responsibility.

Learn More About Our Program

  • Message from the Program Director
    Our emergency medicine residency program here in Buffalo has been my professional home for the past fourteen years. I couldn't have asked for a more satisfying environment in which to practice.
  • Curriculum
    Our emergency medicine residency program provides both experiential and didactic training. 
  • Scholarly Tracks
    Emergency Medicine Residents are required by the Residency Review Committee to participate in academic activity during their residency.
  • Clinical Training Sites
    Upon graduation from our three-year program, emergency medicine residents are equipped to treat emergent patients in any setting, whether urban, suburban or rural.
  • Our Residents and Alumni
    Residents come from all over the country. While many are Western New York natives or attended medical school in Buffalo, our residents also come from far distances such as Hawaii, Columbia, Haiti and India.
  • Resident Life
    The following is a year in review video that we created for our Wellness Grand Rounds. Enjoy!
  • Salary, Benefits and Support
    Our salaries do not include the additional value of your benefits, which UB GME pays. Most institutions ask you to pay for your own benefits. Add $4,000 to $5,000 to our salaries for an accurate figure of your effective salary to compare what you will earn here to other programs.
  • How to Apply
    We accept applications only through ERAS.

Diversity Statement

We are committed to developing and sustaining a training environment that recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusion. We respect and support all aspects of human diversity and strive to ensure a welcoming environment for all of our faculty, residents, students, and staff, in which they feel valued and empowered to succeed.

Program Director

DeFazio, Christian

Christian DeFazio, MD

Associate Professor | Program Director - Emergency Medicine Residency

UBMD Emergency Medicine 77 Goodell Street Suite 340 Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: 7166459700

Email: cdefazio@buffalo.edu

Training Program Administrator

Dee McCarthy

Training Program Administrator

77 Goodell Street, Room 340, Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: 716-645-9707; Fax: 716-645-9701

Email: dmccarth@buffalo.edu