In our program, resident program alumnus Ju Joh, MD (left) and medical student Meghan Dioguardi (right) expanded their research skills via scholarly projects. These academic components complement clinical training with mentors like Robert Lugo, MD.
Our productive faculty will train you in the principles of research, providing you with the skills you need to develop and conduct evidence-based investigations during residency and beyond.
Our monthly research series, which takes place during your PGY-1 year, will hone your scientific inquiry skills and prepare you to carry out two scholarly projects during residency:
If you have a strong interest in research, you may use electives to undertake additional projects.
Mentored by our faculty, you’ll collaborate with your peers on your residency track to develop a quality-improvement project that will directly benefit the patients you see in your family medicine center.
You’ll work on this project throughout your PGY-2 year, dedicating one day a month during your site conferences to advance the work.
Questions arise in the clinical setting every day. With the clinical inquires project, you’ll select from among these questions, rate them by relevance and importance, and select one to investigate.
You’ll work in a small-group setting with peers on your training track, closely mentored by our faculty.
As you access the literature, interpret the results, appraise the evidence and summarize your results, you’ll advance your knowledge of research principles and improve your confidence in your research abilities.
Within our department, we host a scholarly forum developed for you to present the findings of your third-year research project.
At the UB level, the family medicine residency is always well represented at the Office of Graduate Medical Education’s Scholarly Exchange Day, a research poster session for residents, fellows and faculty researchers.
At the national level, many of our residents present and publish their findings.