Family Medicine Residency Rural 1-2 Track

Nyaradazo Sanyia, MBBS, and Robert Haas, MD.

“You’re not just filling a slot here,” says Robert Haas, MD, right, a core faculty member in UB’s rural 1-2 family medicine residency program, shown with resident Nyaradzo Sanyika, MBBS. “It’s a supportive environment. Everybody knows you personally and is dedicated to making sure our program reflects your needs and goals.”

A rural residency should not just train you; it should transform you. Find a deeper sense of purpose caring for medically underserved patients in New York State’s only rural 1-2 family medicine track.

UB’s accredited rural residency in family medicine provides you with 8 months of urban training in a university setting followed by relocation to Olean to complete the remaining 28 months of unopposed rural training.

Discover how the experience will transform you into not only a highly skilled family practitioner, but a compassionate community health care leader.

  • Message from the Program Director
    Olean, NY, is home to one of the hardest-working rural residency programs in family medicine.
  • Curriculum
    Are you committed to full-scope practice with underserved patients? Are you drawn to working in a friendly, rural environment? Our curriculum has just what you need to realize your goals.
  • Clinical Training Sites
    From intimate rural community practices to major urban medical centers, you’ll train in a variety of clinical sites, amassing wide-ranging experience along the way.
  • Research and Scholarship
    Our family medicine faculty will train you in the principles of research, providing you with the skills you need to develop and conduct evidence-based investigations and quality-improvement projects.
  • Our Residents and Alumni
    Our undivided commitment to training in a rural environment sets you on the path to a rewarding future in family medicine.
  • Research Awards
    Your accomplishments in our program won’t go unnoticed. We recognize exemplary care, collaboration and research with numerous awards for which family medicine residents are eligible.
  • Salary, Benefits and Support
    Our salaries do not include the additional value of your benefits, which UB GME pays. Most institutions ask you to pay for your own benefits. Add $4,000 to $5,000 to our salaries for an accurate figure of your effective salary to compare what you will earn here to other programs.
  • How to Apply
    We accept applications for our family medicine residency program through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS).

Contact Us

Associate Program Director, Rural/Olean Track

Christina Roosa, MD.

Christina Roosa, DO

Associate Program Director, Rural/Olean Track

Olean General Hospital, 515 Main Street, Olean, NY 14760

Phone: 716-375-7575; Fax: 716-701-1557


Training Program Administrator, Rural/Olean Track

Kerrie Parr.

Kerrie Parr

Training Program Administrator; Rural/Olean 1-2 Track

Department of Family Medicine

Olean General Hospital, 515 Main Street, Olean, New York 14760

Phone: 716-375-7077; Fax: 716-701-1557
