The CDC is Giving Advice on Preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse. Here’s Why Experts Applaud the Move.

Updated March 5, 2021

Yahoo! sites in the U.S. and internationally quoted John A. Sellick Jr., DO, professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases, in a story about the CDC publishing its “Zombie Preparedness” section on its website. “I think it’s great,” Sellick said. “As we’ve seen with coronavirus, disaster preparedness is crucial.” While the packaging is quirky, Sellick points out that the underlying message — to be prepared for the unexpected — is important, and incredibly relevant right now. “Bottled water, flour, disinfectant spray, toilet paper … a year ago, it didn’t matter how much money you had. You couldn’t get your hands on certain things,” he says. “Having a stockpile at home could have helped carry some of us through. Clearly, most of us did not have adequate supplies of things.”