“My clerkship provided a fantastic opportunity to combine the knowledge I gained in my first two years with the real-world practice of medicine. From delivering a couple’s first baby to assisting with ovarian cancer debulking surgery, I had an incredible hands-on experience,” says medical student Charlotte Cipparone, left, shown with clerkship director Faye Justicia-Linde, MD.
In your third year, you will complete a six-week gynecology-obstetrics clerkship that gives you direct clinical experience in the care of both normal and abnormal pregnancies in inpatient wards as well as outpatient clinics.
Under supervision, you will have the opportunity to develop the following clinical skills:
Your work with patients will be reviewed in group conferences and on ward rounds. Concepts not readily observed during direct patient contact will be emphasized in special conferences.
This six-week clinical clerkship offers each student an opportunity for personal firsthand experience in the care of both normal and abnormal pregnancy.
Experience gained by working with patients is reviewed in group conferences and on ward rounds.
Concepts not readily observed during the direct patient contact are emphasized in special conferences.
The student is provided with an opportunity to develop clinical skills under adequate supervision in the areas of:
Each student has an opportunity to participate in the active care of patients both in inpatient wards and in the outpatient clinics.
Students who develop an interest in clinical or basic investigation are encouraged to pursue their interests.
Four-week elective periods during the fourth year may provide either additional clerkship experience or opportunity to pursue investigative interests.
GYN-700 is a required six-week block in the third year.
Prerequisite: MS3 (this is a required third year clerkship)
Blocks: 1-4
Clerkship Director: Faye Justicia-Linde, MD
Course Coordinator: Colleen Stewart
If you have questions about clerkships in gynecology-obstetrics, please contact:
Colleen E. Stewart
Clerkship Coordinator
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Phone: 716-323-0614
Email: cestewar@buffalo.edu