Nakul A. Ravish, MBBS, rotates in the pathology department at Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital. “We are able to see a diverse range of pathological specimens — with a main focus in gynecological pathology,” notes Ravish.
The 4-year combined Anatomic/Clinical Pathology training program is the main program of this department. The program is designed to provide residents with current concepts and techniques, as well as the traditional principles of pathology.
Resident teaching is done using two major means of instruction. Formal, didactic sessions are conducted by the faculty, for example in weekly core lectures in anatomic and clinical pathology. A more widely used method involves practical experience during the daily work-up and diagnosis of cases and preparation for hospital conferences.
In active rather than passive learning experiences, residents develop analytical and problem solving skills to complement their factual knowledge. The residency program is structured so that learning occurs incrementally and responsibility grows with increasing levels of training. Each individual rotation has written goals and objectives based on the resident’s level of training.
Emphasis is placed on clinicopathologic correlations and the role of the pathologist as a consultant to the clinician and to the patient. The selection of rotations depends upon the needs of the individual resident, as well the requirements of the ACGME and American Board of Pathology. For individuals in a combined anatomic and clinical pathology program, the four years of Pathology training are typically as follows:
Like resident Aliaksandr Obukhau, MD, you can gain experience with a variety of cases at ECMC’s grossing stations. Breast and gynecological pathology are Obukhau’s primary research interests, as well as immunohistochemistry.
Residents are expected to engage in some type of investigational activities, with input from departmental faculty.
The Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences serves as a focus for considerable research activity with a number of laboratories. The major areas of research include experimental hypertension, oncologic pathology, endocrine pathology, immunopathology related to transplantation and neurologic disease, and molecular biology.
The Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences operates a fully accredited graduate program in experimental pathology.
Moreover, each of the affiliated hospitals engages in various clinically applied research projects, with the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center active in oncology focused research.
Pathology residents support the teaching rotations of other department’s trainees (such as Oral Pathology and OB/Gyn), as needed, particularly during their pathology rotations.
They are active participants in the teaching of medical students both informally and more formally during medical students’ month long pathology elective taken during their third and fourth year of medical school. Residents are expected to rotate in and participate in teaching the laboratories for the Dental Students in the Dental Pathology Course and Medical Students in their pre-clinical courses given at the Medical School.
In addition, residents teach each other through formal and informal demonstrations, lectures and case presentations.
Options for electives include additional training in any of the rotations listed above or in one of the following elective rotations: Dermatopathology, Neuropathology, Hematopathology, or advanced Surgical Pathology. Elective rotations are available after satisfactory completion of the core rotations.
Topics such as laboratory management, informatics/computer skills, research, statistics, evidenced based medicine, population based medicine, and ethics are taught throughout the residency program. These topics may be taught using a variety of mechanisms including, but not limited to, participation in working departmental meetings, Journal Clubs, Core Lectures, Teleconferences (ASCP, etc.), information technology presentations, and computer based CD-ROM training programs.