Department Facilities

Specialized clinics and laboratories support our faculty’s active research programs and provide training opportunities for students, residents and fellows.

  • Brain Museum
    Visitors to this facility get a learning experience that’s literally more in-depth than a traditional slide- and textbook-based education.
  • Electron Microscopy Lab
    Faculty, trainees, students and other researchers visit our facility when their work requires technology for high resolution thin section work and biological specimen preparation.
  • Histology Core
    We provide histopathology services to students, faculty, researchers and clinicians at the University at Buffalo and in the larger Western New York community.
  • Slide Scanning and Multispectral Imaging Suite
    We provide training and consultation services for students, faculty, researchers and clinicians whose work involves digital whole slide imaging (WSI) and multispectral microscopy for research, teaching or clinical interests.