

Anne Marie Reynolds.

Division chief Anne Marie Reynolds, MD, MPH.

The Division of Neonatology provides care for critically ill newborns. Our clinical care and research are focused on infants born prematurely or with low birth weight, term or preterm infants requiring surgical intervention, infants requiring resuscitation at birth, as well as the subsequent care required to assure the best possible outcomes for all of these patients.

Education and Training

Our three-year fellowship program provides training in all aspects of neona­tal-perinatal medicine, including clinical experience, basic science and/or clinical research, and exposure to quality improvement methodology.


We conduct ongoing research in the areas of pulmonary biology, including study of the pulmonary vasculature, cell and molecular biologic studies of acute and chronic lung injury of the newborn, pulmonary hypertension, oxidant lung injury, inflammation and nitric oxide.

The main focus of basic science research in our division is neonatal transition at birth, disorders of neonatal transition and neonatal resuscitation. Faculty members in our division have received funding from the NIH, American Academy of Pediatrics, foundations and industry. Faculty and fellows regularly present at Pediatric Academic Society annual meetings.

Clinical research and quality improvement areas of interest include:

  • improving care for infants with opioid withdrawal
  • CLABSI reduction
  • role of breast milk in preventing nosocomial infection
  • varying oxygen concentration levels for premature infant resuscitation
  • post-PPHN systemic hypertension
  • role of simulation in improving readiness for clinical care and low volume high complexity procedures

We are also evaluating the pathophysiology of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and its relation to prematurity, enteral feeds, ischemia and transfusions as a translational project.

Since 2011, we have been a part of the NICHD neonatal research network - a consortium of 18 universities and affiliated neonatal intensive care units dedicated to conducting multicenter clinical trials to improve the outcomes for critically ill newborn infants.

Clinical Care

The 64-bed NICU at Oishei Children’s Hospital admits approximately 800 to 950 babies each year and has an average daily census of 55 babies. Oishei is the Regional Perinatal Center for Western New York, serving the surrounding eight counties and beyond.

Community Outreach

Chief, Neonatology

Reynolds, Anne Marie

Anne Marie Reynolds, MD, MPH

Executive Vice Chair, Pediatrics; Division Chief, Neonatology; Clinical Associate Professor

UBMD Pediatrics Division of Neonatology 1001 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 323-0260; Fax: (716) 323-0294

Email: amr1@buffalo.edu

Associate Chief, Neonatology

Chandrasekharan, Praveen

Praveen Chandrasekharan, MD, MS

Associate Professor of Pediatrics

UBMD Pediatrics Division of Neonatology 1001 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 323-0260; Fax: (716) 323-0294

Email: pkchandr@buffalo.edu


1001 Main Street
5th Floor
Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 323-0260
Fax: (716) 323-0294