You will be an active participant in your own education, working with faculty to organize weekly didactic sessions, journal clubs and case reviews based on American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) content specifications and subject matters of interest.
We emphasize evidence-based medicine at every level and we perpetually review our practices for correlation with published literature.
You will have protected education time from noon to 3 p.m. every Tuesday afternoon for didactic and simulation sessions.
Core content sessions in physiology and pathophysiology are delivered by senior fellows and faculty, with a focus dictated by the ABP content specifications.
Introductory series each July, with all major organ systems and topics covered over an 18-month period
9th floor (PICU) conference room at Oishei Children’s Hospital
In these sessions, you will present new or seminal literature and critique it through an evidence-based lens.
You will choose articles that attempt to answer clinical questions in a true evidence-based medicine format.
Once or twice each month
9th floor (PICU) conference room at Oishei Children’s Hospital
These sessions help you and faculty mentors stay updated on divisional projects and to promote collaboration, active brainstorming and troubleshooting.
You are required to attend with updated project proposal/methodology/results/timeline.
9th floor (PICU) conference room at Oishei Children’s Hospital
A confidential quality assurance forum where recent PICU deaths and complications may be discussed openly and without reservations.
You are assigned to present cases at these sessions under the guidance of a faculty member who was not involved (if possible) in the clinical decision making. You will be assigned to present one month in advance.
Pediatric surgery and cardiology colleagues are invited to attend.
Third Tuesday of every month, from 11 a.m. to noon
9th floor (PICU) conference room at Oishei Children’s Hospital
A quality assurance review of any extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) cases from the previous month. The framework for presentations is similar to the morbidity and mortality conferences.
General surgery, other relevant subspecialties, nursing and respiratory therapists are invited to attend.
Third Tuesday of the month, when applicable
9th floor (PICU) conference room at Oishei Children’s Hospital
ICU and pediatric emergency medicine fellows collaborate on a joint conference reviewing and highlighting recent best practice guideline changes or co-management strategies.
The format follows the core content presentations.
9th floor (PICU) conference room at Oishei Children’s Hospital