NOTE: An “E” after the module in the class schedule indicates the Erie County Medical Center as the site.
The goals of the rotation are to give students a fundamental background in the principles of management of the patient suffering major trauma. Students will be assigned to a trauma team at the Erie County Medical Center and become an integral part of that patient care team. They will be involved in the examination and care of trauma patients from the time of their admission via the emergency room throughout their hospital course to discharge and in-clinic follow-up after discharge. After exposure to this course, students should have acquired the perspective concerning the proper priorities in management of major trauma as well as the interpretation of the evidence from clinical and laboratory findings suggesting the proper course of management. All are integrated into the health care team and serve as subinterns with night call responsibilities.
The Student Evaluation and Education Committee assigns the grade according to the academic status policies of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Grades for the clerkship are based on completion of defined goals and clinical evaluations.
MS3 must obtain permission from the course coordinator prior to registering.
Prerequisite: MS4 or MS3 with successful completion of SUR 700
Modules: A-K Blocks: 3 & 4
Number of students: 1
Course Instructor: Weidun Alan Guo, MD, PhD
Course Coordinator: Gayle Thomson