The Standing Committee on the Medical Curriculum is responsible for evaluating curriculum, monitoring outcomes and formulating and recommending to the Faculty Council the curricular policy and academic programs leading to the MD in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
The committee includes two standing subcommittees: Phase 1 and Phase 2 that serve as “operations” committees charged with implementing the policies and action items as specified by the Curriculum Committee.
The committee will engage in ongoing planning and continuous quality improvement processes that establish short- and long-term programmatic goals and result in the achievement of measurable outcomes that are used to improve programmatic quality, and ensure effective monitoring of the medical education program’s compliance with accreditation standards.
The committee will ensure that the medical curriculum provides content of sufficient breadth and depth to prepare medical students for entry into any residency program and for the subsequent contemporary practice of medicine.
The committee will ensure that the medical curriculum uses formally adopted medical education program objectives to guide the selection of curriculum content, review and revise the curriculum, and establish the basis for evaluating programmatic effectiveness.
100 College Parkway Suite 260 Williamsville, NY 14221
Phone: (716) 635-0688; Fax: (716) 204-9574