Billittier AJ, Lernere EB, Blatt A, Viksjo M. (2005) Initial Use of an Automatic Collision Notification System to Relate Dynamic Vehicle Data with Occupant Injuries. J Emerg Manag (Jan), 3(6): 36-41.
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Moscati RM, Adolf JE. (2003) The Time First-Response Fire Fighters Have to Initiate Care in a Midsize City. J Emerg Med (Jan), 25(2): 171-174.
Lerner EB, Jehle DV, Billittier AJ, Moscati RM, Stiller G, Connery CM. (2001) The Influence of Demographic Factors on Seatbelt Use by Adults Injured in Motor Vehicle Crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention (Jan), 33(5): 659-662.
Moscati R, Jehle D, Christiansen G, D‘Aprix T, Radford J, Connery C, Billittier A. (2000) Endotracheal Tube Introducer for Failed Intubations: A Variant of the Gum Elastic Bougie. Ann Emerg Med (Jan), 36(1): 52-56.
Moscati R, Billittier AJ, Marshall B, Fincher M, Jehle D, Braen GR. (1999) Blood Loss Estimation by Out of Hospital Emergency Care Providers. Prehosp Emerg Care (Jan), 3: 239-242.
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Moscati R. (1999) Use of a Geographic Information System to Determine Appropriate Means of Trauma Patient Transport. Acad Emerg Med (Jan), 6(11): 1127-1133.
Billittier AJ, Lerner EB, Moscati R, Young GR. (1998) Triage, Transportation, and Destination by Out-of-Hospital Emergency Care Providers. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (Jan), 13(2): 98-103.
Lerner E, Billittier AJ, Moscati R. (1998) The Effects of Neutral Positioning with and without Padding on Spinal Immobilization of Healthy Subjects. Prehosp Emerg Care (Jan), 2(2): 112-116.
Billittier AJ, Moscati R, Janicke D, Lerner EB, Seymour J, Olsson D. (1996) A Multi-Site Survey of Factors Contributing to Medically Unnecessary Ambulance Transports. Acad Emerg Med (Jan), 3(11): 1046-1050.
Davis EA, Billittier AJ. (1993) The Utilization of Quality Assurance Methods in Emergency Medical Services. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (Jan), 8(2): 127-132.
Billittier A, Thompson J. (2010) Professional Paramedic Volume 3: Trauma Care and EMS Operations. In: Public Health Emergency Response. Delmar Cengage Learning
Billittier AJ. (1998) Emergency Medicine: The Core Curriculum. In: Transfusions. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 381-388.
Billittier AJ, Abrams B, Brunetto A. (1996) Gastrointestinal Emergencies, Part II, Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America. In: Radiographic Imaging Modalities for the Patient in the Emergency Department with Abdominal Complaints. WB Saunders, 789-850.
Billittier AJ, Lillis K, Lerner EB. (1996) Top Emerg Med. In: Out-of-Hospital Care of the Pediatric Patient. , 1-14.
Billittier AJ. (1995) Emergency Medicine Pearls and Pitfalls: Clinical Challenges for the Practitioner. In: Cluster Headache. Greenwich Press, 197-200.
Evans TC, Billittier AJ. (1990) Top Emerg Med. In: Rationale for Burrhole Decompression in the Emergency Management of Head Injuries. , 64-68.
Clemency B, Billittier A, Pacinco K, et al. (2011) An Advanced Partner Increases On-Scene Time for Single Paramedic Ambulances. Prehospital Emergency Care, (Jan)
Clemency B, Billittier A, et al. (2011) Crew Configuration Does Not Affect HEMS On-Scene Time. Prehospital Emergency Care, (Jan)
Bart J, Clemency B, Billittier A, et al. (2011) Preliminary Report: Cadaver Lab vs Traditional Operating Room Experience for Paramedic Intubation Training. Prehospital Emergency Care, (Jan)
Clemency B, Billittier A, et al. (2011) The Lay Public's Expectations of Prearrival Instructions When Dialing 9-1-1...A Decade Later.. Prehospital Emergency Care, (Jan)
Bart JA, Clemency B, Billittier A. (2011) Traditional Operating Room vs. Cadaver Lab Experience for Paramedic Intubation Training [Abstract]. Prehospital Emergency Care, (Jan) 113
Clemency B, Cooley C, Roginski M, Attwood K, Billittier AJ. (2010) Prehospital Intubation: Does Patient Position Does Matter?. Prehosp Emerg Care, (Jan) 9-9
Clemency B, Roginski M, Cooley C, Manka M, Attwood K, Billittier AJ. (2010) Emergency Department "Open With Delay" Status Does Not Affect the Rate of Ambulance Arrivals. Prehosp Emerg Care, (Jan) 37-37
Shand D, Myers J, Wander S, Billittier A, Woytash J, Vertes D, Malone J. (2008) Effective Catheter Length for Needle Thoracostomy. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) S109-S109
Lerner EB, Sayre MR, Brice JH, White LJ, Stantin AJ, Billittier AJ, Cloud SD. (2005) Cardiac Arrest Patients Rarely Receive Chest Compressions Prior to Ambulance Arrival Despite the Availability of Pre-Arrival CPR Instructions. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) 68-68
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Newman MM, Groh WJ. (2003) A Comparison of First Responder AED Application Rates and Characteristics of AED Training. Prehosp Emerg Care, (Jan) 183-183
Lerner EB, Hinchey PR, Billittier AJ, Goldfarb A, Moscati RM. (2002) A Survey of First Responder Fire Fighters Attitudes, Opinions, and Concerns About Their AED Program. Prehosp Emerg Care, (Jan) 151-151
Myers J, Ellis D, Mayrose J, Wander S, Billittier [sic] A. (2002) Airway Management Education of EMS Providers Utilizing Interactive Digital Versatile Disk (iDVD)Format. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) 1060-1060
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Jehle DVK. (2002) Demographic Trends in Seat Belt Use Among Adults Severly Injured in Motor Vehicle Crashes. Ann of Emerg Med, (Jan) S39-S39
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Moscati RM. (2001) Is Field Endotracheal Intubation Associated with Total Prehospital Time or Patient Outcome in Adult Trauma Patients?. Prehosp Emerg Care, (Jan) 117-117
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Moscati RM. (2001) Analysis of the Effect of Total Prehospital Time on Patient Mortality. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) S16-S16
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Oyana TJ, Moscati RM. (2001) Using a Geographic Information System to Identify General Rules for Time-Efficient Trauma Patient Transport. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) S17-S17
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ. (2000) The Transport Interval from a Rooftop Helipad to the Trauma Resuscitation Room. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) S77-S77
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Newman MM, Groh WJ. (2000) AED Utilization Rates and the Reasons Fire and Police First Responders Fail to Apply an AED. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) 475-475
Lerner EB, Hallinan K, Billittier AJ, Seereiter PJ. (2000) Out-of-Hospital Do Not Resuscitate Orders by Primary Care Physicians. Prehosp Emerg Care, (Jan) 98-98
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Adolf JE. (2000) The Effect of Contact a Secondary Dispatch Center on Ambulance Dispatch Times. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) S18-S18
Ellis DG, Mayrose J, Jehle DVK, Billittier AJ, Moscati RM, Phelan M. (2000) Emergency Telemedicine Roll-about: A New Tool for Academic Emergency Departments. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) 543-543
Cartone KJ, Fincher-Mergi M, Mischler J, Pasieka P, Lerner EB, Billittier AJ. (1999) HIV Counseling, Testing, and Referral Practices for Patients with Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Emergency Departments. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) S63-S63
Billittier AJ, Lerner EB, Donnelly B, McCormack R, Blatt AJ. (1999) Initial Use of an Automatic Collision Notification System to Relate Dynamic Vehicle Data with Occupant Injuries. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) S2-S2
Hallinan K, Lerner EB, Billittier AJ. (1999) Outpatient Advanced Directives: What do Primary Care Providers in a University Affiliated Hospital Clinic Setting Think?. Prehosp Emerg Care, (Jan) 87-88
Paul S, Burke C, Lerner EB, Krause R, Billittier AJ. (1999) Is Routine Acetaminophen Screening Necessary For All Overdose Patients?. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) S64-S64
Lerner WB, Billittier AJ, Newman MM, Groh WJ. (1999) An Evaluation of a Multi-Site First Responder Automated External Defibrillation Program. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) S72-S72
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ. (1999) Delay in ED Arrival Resulting from a Remote Helipad at a Trauma Center. Prehosp Emerg Care, (Jan) 93-93
Jehle DV, Lerner EB, Stiller G, Billittier AJ. (1999) The Influence of Race and Other Demographic Factors on Seatbelt Use. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) S93-S93
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Moscati RM, Adolf JE, Lobby R. (1998) The Value of Using Fire Engines as First-Response Vehicles. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) S29-S29
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Sikora J, Moscati RM, Young GR. (1998) Use of a Geographic Information System to Determine the Most Appropriate Means of Transport to a Regional Trauma Center. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) 420-420
Billittier AJ, Lerner EB, Lance D, Janicke D, Teuscher J. (1998) Can Paramedics Safely Treat and Discharge Hypoglycemic Patients in the Field?. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) 439-439
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Adolf JE. (1998) Ambulance, Fire, and Police Dispatch Center Times Compared with the Atomic Clock. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) S30-S31
Yee A, Lerner EB, Billittier AJ. (1998) Activated Charcoal Container Preparation to Maximize Drug Administered. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) 490-490
Billittier AJ, Lerner EB, Tucker W, Lee J, Reed JM. (1998) Does the Lay-Public Expect Prearrival Instructions?. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) 436-437
Ellis DG, Jehle DJ, Moscati RM, Mayrose J, Billittier AJ. (1998) Initial Experience with Rural Hospital Emergency Telemedicine Night Coverage Using an On-site Registered Nurse and Paramedic Team. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) 537-537
Haskins PA, Ellis DG, Billittier AJ, Moscati RM, Krause RS. (1997) Predicted Use of Telemedicine in Decreasing Ambulance Transports by Emergency Medicine Services. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) 408-408
Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Moscati R. (1996) The Effects of Neutral Positioning With and Without Padding on Spinal Immobilization of Healthy Subjects. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) 147-147
Billittier AJ, Ciotoli M, Patel V, Lerner EB. (1996) Ambulance Response Time With and Without Lights and Siren in an Urban and Suburban/Rural Setting. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) 132-132
Billittier AJ, Lerner EB, Moscati R, Young G. (1996) Triage, Transportation, and Destination by Out-of-Hospital Emergency Care Providers. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) 131-131
Moscati R, Jehle D, Ellis D, Abrams B, Billittier AJ, Mayrose J, Seymour J, Mason P. (1995) Portable Fluoroscopy for the Evaluation of Extremity Injuries in the Emergency Department. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) 245-245
Marshall B, Billittier AJ, Moscati R, Jehle D, Braen R. (1994) Prehospital Blood Loss Estimates. Ann Emerg Med, (Jan) 637-637
Seymour J, Moscati R, Billittier AJ, Janicke D. (1994) A Multicenter Survey of Factors Contributing to Ambulance Misuse. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) A57-A57
Janicke D, Billittier AJ. (1994) Computer-Based Pharmacokinetic Design of Dosing Regimens for the Prehospital Setting: Lidocaine Maintenance Dosing. Acad Emerg Med, (Jan) A57-A57
Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) (2006–present)
National Association of Emergency Medical Services (NAEMSP) (1989–present)
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) (1989–present)
American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) (1988–present)
Emergency Medicine Residents' Association (EMRA) (1987–1991)
"An Advanced Partner Increases On-Scene Time for Single Paramedic Ambulances" NAEMSP Annual Meeting (2011)
"Crew Configuration Does Not Affect HEMS On-Scene Time" NAEMSP Annual Meeting (2011)
"Preliminary Report: Cadaver Lab vs Traditional Operating Room Experience for Paramedic Intubation Training" NAEMSP Annual Meeting (2011)
"The Lay Public‘s Expectations of Prearrival Instructions When Dialing 9-1-1...A Decade Later.." NAEMSP Annual Meeting (2011)
"Emergency Mental Health: Lessons Learned from Flight 3407" American Public Health Association Annual Meeting (2010)
"From Primary to Tertiary Prevention: My Unique Perspective" Friends of the Health Science Library; University at Buffalo (2010)
"After the Crash of Flight 3407: A Year Later" 2010 Crossing Borders Emergency Preparedness Conference; Buffalo Niagara Convention Center (2010)
"Emergency Department Open With Delay Status Does Not Affect the Rate of Ambulance Arrivals" National Association for Emergency Medical Services Physicians 2010 Annual Meeting (2010)
"Emergency Department Open With Delay Status Does Not Affect the Rate of Ambulance Arrivals" NAEMSP Annual Meeting (2010)
"Prehospital Intubation: Does Patient Position Matter?" NAEMSP Annual Meeting (2010)
"Prehospital Intubation: Patient Position Does Matter" National Association for Emergency Medical Services Physicians 2010 Annual Meeting (2010)
"Variations in ALS Symptomatic Bradycardia Protocols Among New York State EMS Regions" New York ACEP Scientific Assembly (2009)
"Implementation of a Bioinformatics and Medication Management Research Network to Increase Medication Safety" Western New York Alliance for Person-Centered Care, Framework for Change Conference at Milennium Hotel (2008)
"Variations in Paramedic Symptomatic Bradycardia Protocols Among New York State Emergency Medical Services Regions" New York ACEP Scientific Assembly Annual Meeting (2008)
"Public Health Emergency Preparedness" Joint Workshop on Cyber Security 2008: Information Assurance in Academic, Business and Government Environment; University at Buffalo; Center for Tomorrow (2008)
"Incident at Airport X: Quarantine Law and Limits" Member Moderated Panel Discussion at the Public Health Emergencies and Legal Preparedness: A Cross Border Challenge Conference; Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy (2006)
"CDWEX Report-Out: The County Perspective" New York State Association of County Health Officials Annual Retreat (2006)
"Governmental Framework for Actions in Disaster: Perspectives from a Local Health Commissioner" New York State Bar Association, Health Law Section Annual Meeting (2006)
"Cardiac Arrest Patients Rarely Receive Chest Compressions Prior to Ambulance Arrival Despite the Availability of Pre-Arrival CPR Instructions" International Interdisciplinary Conference on Emergencies (2005)
"Cardiac Arrest Patients Rarely Receive Chest Compressions Prior to Ambulance Arrival Despite the Availability of Pre-Arrival CPR Instructions" Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (2005)
"Emerging Public Health Threats Facing Erie County" ; University at Buffalo, State University of New York Mini-Medical School (2003)
"A Work in Progress: Western New York Regional Emergency Preparedness" American Society for Microbiology, Western New York Branch Fall Meeting (2002)
"A Work in Progress: Western New York Regional Emergency Preparedness" 34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hungarian Medical Association of America (2002)
"Legal, Ethical and Logistical Issues: Western New York Regional Emergency Preparedness" Public Health Law Seminar, University at Buffalo; State University of New York; Buffalo (2002)
"Motor Vehicle Crashes: Complacency to an Ongoing Public Health Problem" Highway Safety Briefing (2002)
"Progress and Hurdles: Western New York Regional Emergency Preparedness" State University of New York at Albany, School of Public Health T2B2 Satellite Broadcast (2002)
"Moderator Panel Discussion Education and Licensure Session" Buffalo Niagara Integrative Medicine Conference (2002)
"United We Stand: Without Public Health Regionalism We May Fall" New York State Association of Counties 2002 Fall Seminar (2002)
"Airway Management Education of EMS Providers Utilizing Interactive Digital Versatile Disk (iDVD) Format" IEME-32 at the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (2002)
"The State of the Public's Health: Low Lying Fruit" Leadership Buffalo Class of 2002 Health and Human Service Day (2002)
"Western New York Regional Emergency Preparedness Planning: The Role of Local Health Units and the Need for Partnerships" Dental Contributions to Law and Order Conference; State University of New York at Buffalo; School of Dental Medicine's Forensic Odontology (2002)
"Biological Threats" United States Attorney, Western District of New York's Anti-Terrorism Training for Law Enforcement (2002)
"Adding More Grout, Emergency Medicine: The Other Safety Net" Annual Meeting of the New York State Department of Health's Division of Chronic Disease Prevention and Adult Health (2001)
"A Survey of First Responder Fire Fighters Attitudes, Opinions, and Concerns About Their AED Program" National Association for Emergency Medical Services Physicians 2002 Annual Meeting (2001)
"Is Field Endotracheal Intubation Associated with Total Prehospital Time or Patient Outcome in Adult Trauma Patients?" National Association for Emergency Medical Services Physicians 2001 Annual Meeting (2001)
"The Effect of Contact a Secondary Dispatch Center on Ambulance Dispatch Times" American College of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly (2000)
"The Transport Interval from a Rooftop Helipad to the Trauma Resuscitation Room" American College of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly (2000)
"AED Utilization Rates and the Reasons Fire and Police First Responders Fail to Apply an AED" Society of Academic Emergency Medical Annual Meeting (2000)
"Injury Control Research: Federal Funding Panel Discussion" Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (2000)
"The Emergency Telemedicine Roll-About: A New Tool for Academic Emergency Departments" Society for Academic Eemrgency Medicine Annual Meeting (2000)
"Moderator Poster Session" National Association of EMS Physicians 2000 Annual Meeting (2000)
"Ambulance Response Time With and Without Lights and Siren in an Urban and a Suburban/Rural Setting" New York State Annual EMS Conference Vital Signs 1999 (1999)
"Can Paramedics Safely Treat and Discharge Hypoglycemic Patients in the Field?" New York State Annual EMS Conference Vital Signs 1999 (1999)
"Emergency Medical Implications of an Automatic Collision Notification System" 6th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems (1999)
"The Impact of An Automated External Defibrillator Grant Program on Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcome: Dollars Save Lives!" American Heart Association Scientific Sessions (1999)
"Use of a Geographic Information System to Determine the Most Appropriate Means of Transport to a Regional Trauma Center" New York State Annual EMS Conference Vital Signs 1999 (1999)
"An Evaluation of a Multi-site First Responder Automated External Defibrillation Program" American College of Emergency Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly (1999)
"HIV Counseling, Testing, and Referral Practices for Patients with Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Emergency Departments" American College of Emergency Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly (1999)
"Initial Use of an Automatic Collision Notification System to Relate Dynamic Vehicle Data with Occupant Injuries" American College of Emergency Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly (1999)
"Is Routine Acetaminophen Screening Necessary for All Overdose Patients?" American College of Emergency Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly (1999)
"The Influence of Race and Other Demographic Factors on Seatbelt Use" American College of Emergency Physicians Annual Scientific Assembly (1999)
"Center for Transportation Injury Research Overview" Health Care Industries Association Regional Research Forum (1999)
"Peptic Ulcer Disease and Other Stomach Disorders" SUNYAB Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds (1999)
"Response to Anthrax Threats" Erie Community College, 1999 WNY EMS Convention (1999)
"Delay in ED Arrival Resulting from a Remote Helipad at a Trauma Center" National Association of EMS Physicians Annual Meeting (1999)
"What do Primary Care Providers in a University Affiliated Hospital Clinic Setting Think?" National Association of EMS Physicians Annual Meeting (1999)
"Ambulance, Fire, and Police Dispatch Center Times Compared with the Automic Clock" American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum (1998)
"The Value of Using Fire Engines as First-Response Vehicles" American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum (1998)
"Use of a Geographic Information System to Determine the Most Appropriate Means of Transport to a Regional Trauma Center" Society for Academic Emergency Medicine/Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine Conference on Emergency Medicine (1998)
"Activated Charcoal Container Preparation to Maximize Drug Administered" Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (1998)
"Can Paramedics Safely Treat and Discharge Hypoglycemic Patients in the Field?" Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (1998)
"Does the Lay-Public Expect Prearrival Instructions?" Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (1998)
"Initial Experience with Rural Hospital Emergency Telemedicine Night Coverage Using an On-site Registered Nurse and Paramedic Team" Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (1998)
"Initial Experience with Rural Hospital Emergency Telemedicine Night Coverage Using an On-site Registered Nurse and Paramedic Team" Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (1998)
"Use of a Geographic Information System to Determine the Most Appropriate Means of Transport to a Regional Trauma Center" Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (1998)
"Blood Banking and Transfusion Lecture and Case Discussions" Third Year Medical Student Laboratory Medicine Selective; Erie County Medical Center (1997)
"Predicted Use of Telemedicine in Decreasing Ambulance Transports by Emergency Medicine Services" American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum (1997)
"Use of Artificial Blood in Field" First Annual International Conference on Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS); Uniformed Services University Department of Military and Emergency Medicine, United States Park Police, and Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine (1997)
"Medical Control and Patient Care Lectures and Case Scenarios" Western Regional Emergency Medical Systems (WREMS) Base Station Courses; ; Western New York (1997)
"Ambulance Response Time With and Without Lights and Siren in an Urban and a Suburban/Rural Setting" American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum (1996)
"The Effects of Neutral Positioning With or Without Padding on Spinal Immobilization of Healthy Subjects" American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum (1996)
"Triage, Transportation, and Destination Decisions by Out-of-Hospital Emergency Care Providers" American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum (1996)
"Portable Fluoroscopy for the Evaluation of Extremity Injuries in the Emergency Department" Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (1995)
"Confined Space Medicine Course" Personal Protection 2000: Integrating Technology for Emergency Responders, Mine Safety and Health Administration Office of Technical Support; United States Department of the Interior, National Mine Health and Safety Academy (1994)
"Other Medical Problems" Federal Emergency Management Agency, Urban Search and Rescue, Medical Team Training (1994)
"Prehospital Care Provider Blood Lost Estimation" American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum (1994)
"A Multicenter Survey of Factors Contributing to Ambulance Misuse" Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (1994)
"Computer-based Pharmacokinetic Design of Dosing Regimens for the Prehospital Setting: Lidocaine Maintenance Dosing" Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (1994)
"Medical Team Training: Urban Search and Rescue" ; ; Federal Emergency Management Agency (1993)
"Clinical Toxicology and Emergency Medicine" ; Western New York Poison Control Center and the SUNY at Buffalo Division of Emergency Medicine (1992)
"Crush Injury Syndrome and Disaster Victim Emergency Medical Care" Central United States Earthquake Consortium's: Disaster Medicine 101 (1992)
"Rubble Pile Medicine" National Association of Search and Rescue Conference (1992)
"Case Reviews: A Seminar for EMT's, Paramedics and Other Health Professionals" ; Allegheny General Hospital (1991)
"Disaster-Related Medical Issues" Pacific Rim Disaster Second Annual Winter Training Exercise and Disaster Conference (1991)
"Medical Response: United States Disaster Assistance Response Team Training Exercise" Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance; United States Department of State (1991)
"Medical Confined Space Rescue" Emergency Medicine Services Institute: EMS Update '91 (1991)
"Confined Space Medicine Course" Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance; United States Department of State (1990)
"Confined Space Medicine" Rescue 90 (1990)
"The Utilization of Quality Assurance Methods in Emergency Medical Services" 6th Annual Conference of the National Association of Emergency Medical Services Physicians (1990)
"Prehospital Research Lecture" ; Department of Emergency Medicine Summer Research Program