Athletic Training Student, Buffalo Bills Stadium (2002–2004)
Athletic Training Student, Canisius College (2001–2004)
Awards and Honors:
Alpha Sigma Nu Honors Society (2002)
Canisius College Dean‘s Honors List (2000)
Cappuccino, A., Martineck, S., Mills JD, Cappuccino, H. (1900) Correction of Rotational Instability and Scoliotic Decompensation of the Lumbar Spine after Disc Replacement Using a Flexible Posterior Stabilization System. A report of Six Cases. (Jan)
Monte, SV, Rossney, N., Dennis, M., Mills JD, Cavaretta, M., Caruana, JA. (1900) Metabolic Effect of 70 small bowel bypass in poor responders to gastric bypass. Obesity Week. (Jan)
Cappuccine, A., Martineck, S., Mills JD, Cappuccino, H. (1900) Radiographic and Clinical Analysis of 60 Charite Lumbar Disc Replacements with five-year follow-up. (Jan)
Cappuccino, A., Martineck, S., Mills JD, Cappuccino, H. (1900) A Retrospective Clinical and Radiographic Analysis of 24 Multi-Level Charite Disc Replacement Surgeries with One Year Follow-Up using the Charite IDE Results as Historical Control. (Jan)
Professional Memberships:
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (2016–present)
Alpha Sigma Nu Member (2003–present)
National Dean's List Member (2002–2004)
Service Activities:
Marriage to Charity, 501(C) (3) Non-Profit Organization As President and CEO of Marriage to Charity, my responsibilities have included but not limited to creating multiple charity events, locating event venues, managing event budgets, delineating roles to sub-committee members, and selecting oranizations and/or persons for which proceeds will be donated to. Since the foundation of the charity, we have donated over $10,000 to multiple WNY charities such as the WNY Chapter of Juvenile Diabetes and the SPCA Paws & Patriots Program.; President (2012–present)
Sisers of Charity Hospital ICU Greeter (2006–2007)