Sucharita Paul MD, MPH

Sucharita Paul

Sucharita Paul

Clinical Assistant Professor

Department of Emergency Medicine

Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Specialty/Research Focus

Community Based Participatory Research; Community Based Research; Community Health Research; Emergency Medicine; Geriatric Medicine; Geriatrics / Gerontology; Global Health; Health Disparities; Health Disparities Research; Health Outcomes Research; Health Services Research; Health Services Research; Integrative Medicine; Palliative Medicine; Public Health; Public Health and General Preventive Medicine; Social Determinants of Health; Women’s Health; Workforce Development

Contact Information
UBMD Emergency Medicine
77 Goodell Street suite 340
Suite 340
Buffalo, New York 14203
Phone: 7166459700

Patient Care

This faculty member is affiliated with UBMD, practicing physicians who are also professors in the Jacobs School.

View this physician on UBMD

Professional Summary:

Sucharita Paul is an experienced emergency physician who has made community service, disease prevention, and public health education the center of her career and a focus of her volunteer work. She has practiced in clinical and academic settings for over 20 years and is currently an attending physician at Buffalo General Hospital Emergency Department and a clinical assistant professor with UBMD Emergency Medicine and the Jacobs School of Medicine. She has been involved in several public health initiatives and is currently leading efforts to identify and advocate for vulnerable older adult patients presenting to local emergency departments in western New York. She trains emergency medicine residents and also explores areas of public health including leadership/advocacy, global medicine, the opiate crisis, gun violence, health disparities and social determinants of health and inequities in medicine. She earned an MPH from the University of Buffalo. Her interest in serving disadvantaged and low-resource communities has led her to become involved in local and regional nonprofit philanthropic organizations as well as international emergency medicine efforts in Vietnam and India.

Dr. Paul’s previous and current board service includes: Health Foundation of Western and Central New York (HFWCNY), COVID-19 Working Group of Western New York, UBMD Emergency Medicine, the Carole Fenton Memorial Fund (founding member), and the City of Buffalo Emergency Medical Services Board. She is also an oral board examiner for the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM).

When she is not trying to make the world a better place, you can find her singing in the local community chorus, taking care of her 120 year old Bavarian-style house, exploring Buffalo's many restaurants, cultural events and art venues and cheering on our local sports teams.

Education and Training:

  • Certificate, Jacobs School of Medicine (2024)
  • MPH, School of Public Health and Health Professions, The University of Buffalo (2016)
  • Residency, Emergency Medicine, State Universily of New York at Buffalo (1998)
  • MD, Doctor of Medicine, State University of New York at Brooklyn (1995)
  • MS, Molecular Biology, University of Rochester (1989)
  • BS, Biological Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo (1987)
  • CITI Program Research, Ethics, and Compliance Training, University at Buffalo
  • DATA 2000 waiver to prescribe Buprenorphine for treatment of opioid addiction, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
  • PCSS MAT Training for medication assisted treatment of Buprenorphine, American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)
  • Stroke certification, American Heart Association (AHA)/American Stroke Association (ASA)
  • United Way Board of Leadership Training, United Way of Buffalo and Erie County
  • Certificate, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)


  • Attending Physician, Buffalo General Hospital (2008-present)
  • Clinical Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2008-present)
  • Attending Physician, Buffalo Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center (2012)
  • Emergency Physician, Emergency Medicine Physicians (2007–2008)
  • Emergency Physician, Falmouth Hospital (1998–2006)

Awards and Honors:

  • Ray of ++++ing Sunshine (2022)
  • UBMD Emergency Medicine Women in Leadership award (2018)

Research Expertise:

  • Acting Collectively for Equity: Enhancing Public Health Equity Through Improved Water, Sanitation and Waste Management in Maradu, Kerala, India. Schools of Architecture, Environmental Engineering, Public Health and Health Professions, Urban Planning and Community of Global Health Equity, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. January 2016- May 2016.
  • Better Health Through Social and Health Care Linkages Beyond the Emergency Department (HealthIER). Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation grant with A Billittier and S Cloud. January 2012- December 2015.
  • Evaluation of a BNP Assay Cutoff in Heart Failure Population. In collaboration with Abbott Diagnostic Core Laboratory, Kaleida Health and University of Buffalo.: collaboration with Abbott Diagnostic Core Laboratory
  • Identification, Intervention and Advocacy for Vulnerable Elderly Patients Receiving Emergency Care in Western New York. Seeds for Innovation in Successful Aging. (SISA grant) University of Buffalo Center for Successful Aging, April 2021-present.


  • DNA Molecules Stabilized For Propagation in Bacterial Cells That Encode Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator. Development of a DNA molecule of the complete CFTR gene inserted into various vectors for propagation into bacterial cells (2006)

Journal Articles:

Books and Book Chapters:

  • Paul S and Krause RS. (2005) The Five Minute Emergency Medicine Consult. In: Hydrocephalus. Simon and Schuster

Evaluative Studies and Case Reports:

  • Barker M, Bulkilivish S, Costello J, Dussault R, Hannan C, Mathew S, McNamara K, McCoy B, Paul S, Rozwod K, Stegall D, Vijayashanthar V, Yoruk Y. (2016). (2016) Acting Collectively for Equity (ACE): Enhancing Public Health Equity through Improved Water, Sanitation, and Waste Management in Maradu, Kerala. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Architecture and Planning and Community of Global Health Equity, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. 126 pages. (Jul)

Professional Memberships:

  • American Public Health Association (APHA); Mission: Improve the health of the public and achieve equity in health status. The American Public Health Association works to advance the health of all people and all communities. As the nation’s leading public health organization, APHA strengthens the impact of public health professionals and provides a science-based voice in policy debates too often driven by emotion, ideology or financial interests. APHA is at the forefront of efforts to advance prevention, reduce health disparities and promote wellness. Overarching priorities include building public health infrastructure and capacity, ensuring the right to health and health care, creating health equity. (2016–present)
  • American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP); The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) is the nation's leading professional body for emergency physicians and sets the standard for emergency medical care. We believe it is our duty to provide our members with best practices for their patients. (2000–present)
  • New York College of Emergency Physicians (NYACEP); The New York American College of Emergency Physicians represents over 3,200 dedicated professionals committed to speaking out for broad access to quality health care, including and especially emergency health services for all citizens. New York ACEP strives to promote efficient and effective utilization practices in the delivery of emergency services. The New York American College of Emergency Physicians exists to support quality emergency medical care and to promote the interest of emergency physicians. Objectives include: To establish guidelines for quality emergency medical care. To encourage and facilitate the postgraduate training and continuing medical education of emergency physicians. To encourage and facilitate training and education in emergency medicine for all medical students. To promote education in emergency care for all physicians. To promote the development and coordination of quality emergency medical and disaster management services and systems. To evaluate the social and economic aspects of emergency medical care. To promote education about emergency medicine for our patients and for the general public. To encourage and support basic and clinical research in emergency medicine. To promote policy that preserves the integrity and independence of emergency medical practice. To encourage emergency physician representation within medical organizations and academic institutions. To promote independent departmental status for emergency medicine within hospitals, medical schools, and medical staff structures. To promote universally available and cost effective emergency medical care. (2000–present)
  • Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM); The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) is dedicated to the improvement of care of the acutely ill and injured patient by improving research and education. To achieve this mission, SAEM influences health policy through forums, publications, interorganizational collaboration, policy development, and consultation services for physicians, teachers, researchers, and students. SAEM represents excellence and leadership in academic emergency medicine, and its values include idealism and quality in all endeavors, nurturing and camaraderie and diversity among members, as well as creative and symbiotic interactions with other organizations. SAEM provides administrative support to the Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine (AACEM) and to the SAEM journals, Academic Emergency Medicine (AEM) and Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training (AEM E&T). SAEM is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and is headquartered in Des Plaines, Illinois. SAEM was formed in 1989 from the amalgamation of the University Association for Emergency Medicine (UAEM) and the Society of Teachers of Emergency Medicine (STEM). For over twenty years, STEM and UAEM helped promote and develop the specialty of emergency medicine, particularly by shaping education and investigation in this dynamic field. (1995–present)


  • "Public Health: Sustainability and Research. Healthcare disparities, locally and globally: what are they and how can they be reduced?" Global Medicine Seminar, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (2020)
  • "Experiences and Educational Opportunities in Global Health" Grand Rounds, University at Buffalo and University of Rochester (2018)
  • "Annual Educational Lectures to Emergency Medicine Residents and Students" Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (2018)
  • "Annual EducationalLlectures to Internal Medicine Residents and Students" Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (2018)
  • "Evidence-based approaches for combating the opioid epidemic in the Emergency Department" Social and Behavioral Influences on Health (2017)
  • "Vietnam Emergency Medicine Development, Good Samaritan Medical-Dental Ministry" International Conference in Emergency Medicine (2011)
  • "FAST exam in trauma patients" Falmouth Hospital Trauma Conference (2000)

Service Activities:

  • ABEM oral board examiner. Criteria: Completed an ACGME- or RCPSC-accredited EM residency Certified by ABEM and five years out from EM residency graduation Clinically active in the practice of EM Actively participating in the ABEM continuing certification process Possess Oral Examiner Attributes. Selected nominees are offered a 3-year term with opportunities for eappointments based on participation and performance. Oral examiners must be available for one exam per year. Examiners are required to attend all necessary training sessions and must examine all days of an exam.; Oral board examiner for the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) (2023–2026)
  • Health Foundation of Western and Central New York; Board of Trustees Member (2022–present)
  • WNY Healthcare Consensus Group; Medical Expert (2020–present)
  • Kaleida Health; COVID-19/Influenza-like illness subgroup (2020–present)
  • UBMD Emergency Medicine; Board Member (2020–2022)
  • UBMD Emergency Medicine Women Physicians Consortium; Coordinator (2019–present)
  • City of Buffalo Emergency Medical Services Board; Board Member (2018–present)
  • Kaleida Pharmacy Program, Emergency Department Culture Review Process; Supervising Physician (2018–present)
  • Gates Vascular Institute/Buffalo General Emergency Department; Adopt-A-Family Co-Coordinator (2014–present)
  • UBMD Emergency Medicine at Buffalo General Hospital; Supervising Physician (2011–present)
  • UBMD Emergency Medicine at Buffalo General Hospital; Scheduler (2010–2012)
  • Carole Fenton Memorial Fund; Founder (2009–present)
  • Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo; Faculty Council Member (2009–2015)
  • University at Buffalo Emergency Medicine Residency; Interviewer for Fourth Year Medical Students (2008–2018)
  • UBMD Emergency Medicine at Buffalo General Hospital, Academic Division; Interviewer for Prospective Faculty Members (2008–present)
  • Credentialing Committee, Falmouth Hospital; Member (2002–2006)
  • Ethics Committee, Falmouth Hospital; Committee Member (2001–2006)
  • Medical Records Committee; Committee Member (2000–2006)
  • Falmouth Road Race; Medical Provider (2000–2005)
  • Western New York Human Rights Clinic (WNYHRC); Forensic Evaluation Training: Examining Asylum Seekers
  • UBMD Emergency Medicine Residency Program; Simulation Education

School News:

In the Media:

Clinical Specialties:

Clinical Offices:

Insurance Accepted:

Contact Information

UBMD Emergency Medicine
77 Goodell Street suite 340
Suite 340
Buffalo, New York 14203
Phone: 7166459700

This faculty member is affiliated with UBMD, practicing physicians who are also professors in the Jacobs School.

View this physician on UBMD