462 Grider Street Erie County Medical Center Adult Child and Family Clinic Department of Psychiatry Buffalo, New York 14215 Phone: 716-898-1325 Fax: 716-898-3658 zelberg@buffalo.edu
Attending Psychiatrist, Erie County Medical Center, UBMD Psychiatry (2013-present)
Director of Outpatient Residency Training, Psychiatry, General Psychiatry Residency Program Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2013-present)
Director of Psychotherapy Training, Psychiatry, General Psychiatry Residency Program Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2013-present)
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Psychiatry, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2013-present)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Center for Advanced Psychiatry, UBMD PSYCHIATRY (2013-present)
Medical Director, Psychiatry, Erie County Medical Center NAVIGATE First Episode Psychosis Program (2016–2022)
Staff Psychiatrist, WNY Children's Psychiatric Center (2013–2015)
Outstanding Contributions to the Clinical Mission of the Department of Psychiatry (2021)
Outstanding Contributions to Medical Student Education and Training (2017)
Mentor of the Year Award (2014)
Medical Society of the County of Erie Resident of the Year (2013)
Gold Humanism Honor Society (2013)
American College of Psychiatrists Laughlin Fellowship (2013)
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Educational Outreach Program Award (2012)
Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine Trainee Travel Award (2010)
Outstanding Contribution to Resident Service Award (2010)
Grants and Sponsored Research:
March 2020–January 2024 Randomized Controlled Trial of a Novel Smoking Cessation Application Tailored to Individuals with Serious Mental Illness NIH/NIDA Role: Co-Investigator
December 2022–July 2023 Weight Management Program for Patient with First Episode Psychosis CTSI Grant Role: Co-Investigator
October 2024 A controlled evaluation of abstinence-induced withdrawal and motivation to vape/smoke among daily vapers and cigarette smokers National Institute of Drug Abuse Role: Contributor
Faraji, P. Camp, C. Elberg, Z. Usher, C. (2021) First- Episode and Early Psychosis in Transition-Age Youth. In: Transition-Age Youth Mental Health Care: Bridging the Gap Between Pediatric and Adult Psychiatric Care. Springer Books
Elberg Z. (2018) “My Nightmares Aren’t Just About Calculus 101”: Transitioning to College with PTSD. In: Promoting Safe and Effective Transitions to College for Youth with Mental Health Conditions, a Case Based Guide to Best Practices. Springer Books
Kaye D, Elberg Z. (2017) Individual Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (Child Psychiatry). In: Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry Tenth Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Usher, Craigan; Elberg, Zhanna; Bhatt, Apurva; Teaford, George; Clauss, Jacqueline. (2024) Dignity, Choice, and Empowerment: Shared Decision Making (SDM) with Diverse Youth and Families. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Seattle, WashingtonUnited States (Oct) Oral
Elberg, Zhanna. (2024) Screening and Assessment in Early Psychosis: Challenges and Clinical Implications. Comprehensive Review Of Psychiatry Annual Conference. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Sep) Poster
Sarah Moses, MD, Jamie Hagerty, BS, Zhanna Elberg, MD. (2024) A call to arms: is medical education ready to revamp how we teach our trainees about schizophrenia spectrum disorders?. Comprehensive Review of Psychiatry. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Sep) Poster
Binns, Christian MD; Elberg, Zhanna. (2024) Mind Maze: Navigating the Complexity of Intellectual Disability and Psychosis. Comprehensive Review of Psychiatry. Buffalo, New YorkUnited States (Sep) Poster
Professional Memberships:
American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training (2014–present)
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Transitional Age Youth and College Student Mental Health Committee member since 2017. Since 2021, I have also co-chaired the Early Psychosis Workgroup. We meet monthly and have produced up to 8 products at the AACAP national conference (2011–present)
American Psychiatric Association (2008–2020)
"Psychosis 101 Learning Series: Transition to College for Youth with Psychosis" Webinar; Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC), Funded by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2023)
"Supporting the Transition to College for Youth with Psychosis: A Case-Based Discussion." National Training & Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) for Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health Project Grant funded by: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; Webinar (2023)
"Making Sense of Individual Education Programs (IEPs): A Guide for Primary Care" Project Teach, webinar for primary care providers in New York State (2023)
"OnTrack NY: Evidence Based Practice for First Episode Psychosis" 17th Annual Department of Psychiatry Conference, University at Buffalo, Department of Psychiatry (2022)
"Ready or Not! Preparing Young Adults with Mental Health Conditions for the Transition to College & Beyond." Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine (2018)
"First Episode Psychosis: Current Treatment Approach, Challenges and Future Directions." Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, University of Rochester School of Medicine, (2017)
"Worth the Fight! Residency Training and the Aggressive Patient - How Far Have We Come?" Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds; University at Buffalo School of Medicine (2011)
Service Activities:
Psychosis-Risk and Early Psychosis Program Network (PEPPNET) Financing Workgroup; member (2023–present)
Amplify Provider Council - goal to improve services for OnTrack NY (coordinated specialty care programs treating first episode psychosis); Amplify Provider Council Member (2023–2024)
; Education Policy Committee (2023–present)
Admissions Committee; member (2023–present)
Interventions for Changes in Emotions, Perception, and Thinking (INTERCEPT), University of Rochester. INTERCEPT has formed a Mental Health Advisory Council, consisting of health experts from Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse and beyond. This group provides guidance and serves as a sounding board for this new clinic and initiative; Mental Health Advisory Council member (2022–present)
Psychosis-Risk and Early Psychosis Program Network (PEPPNET) Adolescence and Psychosis Workgroup; member (2022–present)
Early Psychosis Workgroup, Transitional Age Youth and College Student Mental Health Committee, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Co-Chair (2021–present)
Elected voting member of the university faculty senate; member (2019–2021)
Higher Education Mental Health Alliance (HEMHA) member representative of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; member (2019–2021)
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Transitional Age Youth and College Student Mental Health Committee; Committee Member (2017–present)
Department of Psychiatry Academic Affairs Committee; Member (2014–2020)
American Psychiatric Association Psychotherapy Caucus Steering Committee; Committee Member (2014–2015)
American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training Psychotherapy Committee; Committee Member (2014–2019)
Department of Psychiatry, General Psychiatry Residency Clinical Competency Committee; Member (2013–present)
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Membership Committee; Committee Member (2011–2017)
462 Grider Street Erie County Medical Center Adult Child and Family Clinic Department of Psychiatry Buffalo, New York 14215 Phone: 716-898-1325 Fax: 716-898-3658 zelberg@buffalo.edu