New Faculty Checklist

Welcome to the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Take these steps to promote your work to prospective students, residents, fellows and collaborators and to the media and other external audiences.

1. Schedule a photo session

A professional portrait makes your first positive impression on individuals we want to recruit to our school, helping them familiarize themselves with you before they come to campus for an interview or schedule an appointment at your office.

You can have your faculty portrait taken, for free, at the Office of Communications’ in-house portrait studio, located in room 6140 in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, 955 Main Street, Buffalo, NY.

2. Complete your online faculty profile

Your online faculty profile is the authoritative source for media as well as prospective students, residents and postdoctoral fellows. Data you enter into the UB Profile database completes your profile on the medical school’s website and, if you’re a clinician and a member of the pratice plan, on the UBMD website, too.

Features in UB Profile also automatically CVs that meet the school’s requirements for promotion and tenure.

Your faculty profile includes a biographical sketch of up to 300 words. Read through these guidelines and examples to create a professional summary that coordinates your distinctive expertise with the rest of your information in UB Profile:

3. Add hyperlinks to your email signature

When you have completed your faculty profile by entering data into UB Profile, create a professional signature block that includes hyperlinks to important information about you, your department and the school.  

4. Use your UB email address

Key announcements, messages from the dean and the school newsletter come to your UB email address. Many university and school services, including UB Information Technology and the Office of Communications, can only respond to messages that originate from your UB email account. Use it consistently, and if you have other email accounts, check your UB email daily.

As a new faculty member, you will need to claim your UBITName (username) to gain access to UB IT services. You will need to verify your identity and provide answers to questions to be used in case you need to reset your password.

5. Bookmark the school’s website

The school’s URL is Bookmark it and make it your home page so that you can keep abreast of school news and events.

6. Tell us your story

We want to tell stories about your work to the outside world. Let the Office of Communications know whenever you have news.  

7. Take advantage of branding

You have at your fingertips resources branded for the Jacobs School and UB—e.g., PowerPoint and poster templates, business cards and stationery.