To embrace and actively support the timeless ethics and values associated with the medical community, the Code of Professional Conduct for Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences was developed and ratified by all current students in 2000.
With the ratification of the Code came the organization of the Professional Conduct Committee. The PCC now consists of three student representatives from each class and three faculty members. All students entering since 2000 have agreed to abide by the contents of the Code as a condition of their matriculation.
The PCC's primary goals are to help Jacobs School students develop professional ethics and to encourage honesty and integrity: in themselves, in their peers, and in medicine as a discipline.
The PCC serves as a resource for education on and correction of breaches of conduct. In the case of code violations, the PCC provides resources and guidelines both for students who have encountered potential misconduct and for those charged, and favors resolutions that promote professional development over punitive measures.
We urge all students to become familiar with the Code, as it provides a reminder to all of us that we have entered a profession in which we have the power to affect the lives of many - a power that must be treasured, respected, and never abused.