Research Ethics: Recognizing Inequities in Biomedical Research Micro-Credential

This micro-credential is designed to introduce our first year PhD trainees to research ethics through a social justice lens. We will explore the historical impact of research on individuals in society and its contribution to biases that lead to health inequities and scientific mistrust. This program will provide our trainees with an understanding of the role of scientists in social justice. Upon completion you will earn a UB–issued digital badge.

Research Ethics: Recognizing Inequities in Biomedical Research Micro-Credential badge.

How It Works

  1. you will automatically be enrolled in the program once you accept your offer for admission to the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
  2. complete three non-credit learning modules over six weeks: Module I: Past- Human cost of scientific progress; Module II: Present - Lingering biases and their long-lasting impact; Module III: Culture of academia
  3. complete a short reflective essay and prepare a final presentation

How A Micro-Credential Will Benefit You.

  • earn stackable skills that differentiate you, academically and professionally
  • personalize your learning through credit and non-credit-bearing opportunities
  • display badges that contain your achievements and competencies to employers, colleagues, and peers
  • gain skills to keep you at the leading edge of your discipline