To encourage UB faculty participation in immersive simulation experiences with student learners the Behling Human Simulation Center has created a two-part system.
The first part is online presentation of didactic content via UBLearns. Learners are required to review prior to participating in part two, a daylong practice session.
The process is as follows:
1. There are two days per month scheduled for the all-day required practice session. UB faculty need to attend the entire day.
- Minimum number of participants for a daylong session is two (2) individuals.
- Maximum number of participants for a daylong session is four (4) participants.
- Once you have selected a day, you will be enrolled in the UB Learns Sim Essentials online (via UBLearns) didactic session. This session, also required, is to be completed no later than one (1) week prior to your scheduled in-person practice session.
2. After completing the daylong practice session (part 2), you will be able to conduct immersive simulation experiences at the Center.
- Your first immersive simulation experience after completing the Sim Essentials course will be mentored by an experienced facilitator/debriefer. Typically, this simulation experience is a four-hour block of time.
- Once the mentor signs off, you are able to conduct immersive simulation sessions with students pending yearly evaluations.
- Of additional note: by participating in this process to learn facilitation and debriefing, you are also required to facilitate and debrief a total of four 4-hour immersive simulation sessions per year, starting on your date of completion of the daylong in-person session.