How to Apply

All second-year medical students are eligible and encouraged to apply to the Jacobs School Leadership Track. As a member of the track, you will have the opportunity to participate in monthly sessions geared towards developing your leadership skills - within yourself, your community, and healthcare at large.

This is a rigorous and diligent process requiring commitment of one’s time and energy throughout the second, third, and fourth years of medical. This is also a unique and wonderful experience where you will connect with colleagues of all levels at the medical school and community at large to better understand your role and potential as rising physicians and scholars at UB and in Buffalo proper.

Applications to the JSLT are released every fall in August/September. There is also an annual information session at approximately the same time. This meeting is conducted by existing track members to provide a better understanding of the structure and components of the JSLT.

Once applications have been submitted, students will be evaluated by members of the JSLT and a handful of students will be selected for interviews with a panel of current JSLT members and mentors.  After interviews have been completed, students that have been selected to be part of the new cohort of the JSLT will be contacted. The interview process culminates with an Induction Ceremony where students are able to meet their faculty and student members and be honored as new inductees of the JSLT.

If you have any questions, please contact us at Jacobs School Leadership Track.