Students will work directly with hospital chaplains, hospice chaplains, a psychologist and physicians who practice whole person health care using the bio-psycho-social-spiritual model.
Students will gain knowledge of different faiths and the role faith plays in health and well-being. They will learn about the role of hospital and hospice chaplains and will gain an understanding of when to refer patients to them.
This course will also help students demonstrate knowledge and skills in taking a spiritual history and addressing patient-centered issues relating to faith.
Students are engaged with in-person, clinical care, writing two case studies about spirituality and health, and visiting faith-based and other community organizations that strive to help their clients improve their well-being in different ways.
Prerequisite: MS4
Modules: D-F (Fall), H-L (Spring)
Number of students: 2
Course Director: David M. Holmes, MD
Course Coordinator: Michelle Kasprzyk