Recent Research Funding

Strong funding from many sources supports research in our division.

Backed by grants from foundations, institutes, companies, programs and organizations, we engage in various areas of research and conduct innovative studies.

Gregory Gudleski, PhD

Jeffrey Lackner, PsyD

  • Buffalo Clinical and Translational Research Center Clinical and Translational Science Award(CTSA). Jeffrey Lackner (Co-Investigator). National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)/National Institutes of Health. $20,000,000. 8/1/2015-8/1/2024.
  • A brief, transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral treatment for urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome (UCPPS): Process, predictions, outcomes. Tova Ablove (Co-Investigator), Teresa Danforth (Co-Investigator), Gregory Gudleski (Co-Investigator), Jeffrey Lackner (Principal Investigator), Christopher Radziwon (Co-Investigator). NIH NIDDK. $3,288,753. 9/1/2021-7/1/2026.
  • Sex related differences in Brain Gut Microbiome (BGM) Interactions in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Jeffrey Lackner (Co-Investigator). NIH NIDDK. $7,757,028. 5/1/2020-4/1/2025.
  • Anesthesiology Research Training Program. Jeffrey Lackner (Co-Investigator). NIH. $1,183,053. 7/1/2017-6/1/2022.

Christopher Radziwon, Ph.D.

Andrew Rogers, Ph.D.

  • UW Practice-based Suicide Prevention Research Center. Andrew Rogers (Co-Investigator). National Institute on Mental Health. $15,798,321. 2/1/2023-2/1/2028.
  • Informatics Supported Authorship of Caring Contacts. Andrew Rogers (Co-Investigator). Face the Fight Foundation. 1/1/2023-1/1/2025.
  • NIH Loan Repayment Program. Andrew Rogers (Principal Investigator). National Cancer Institute. $10,912. 8/1/2024-8/1/2026.
  • Pilot Testing Implementation of Suicide Risk Prediction Algorithms to Support Suicide Prevention in Primary. Andrew Rogers (Co-Investigator). National Institute on Mental Health. $2,635,282. 6/1/2021-6/1/2025.