Conferences, Rounds and Didactics

Charlotte W. Cipparone MD.

Resident Charlotte W. Cipparone, MD, delivers a lecture during one of our city-wide grand rounds sessions at Oishei Children’s Hospital.

Our lectures, seminars, conferences and rounds provide a solid foundation for your clinical practice and include ample time to discuss cases you see in your rotations. They also help you keep abreast of new research in and beyond our department.

City-Wide Grand Rounds

Grand rounds is a comprehensive review of the diagnosis, management and pathophysiology of problems and topics in women’s primary health care, gynecology, obstetrics and the subspecialties of the field, with emphasis on both the clinical and basic sciences.

You will present at grand rounds alongside your fellow residents and department faculty. Visiting faculty make special presentations that will further expand your knowledge.

Our grand rounds feature a morbidity and mortality presentation, and a scheduled, topical speaker, followed by one or two resident education lectures.

We free you from clinical responsibilities during our grand rounds so you can make the most of this learning experience.

CREOG Core Lecture Series

We cover the entire Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG) Educational Objectives over a two-year cycle during our city-wide grand rounds.

Lectures are presented by outside speakers, faculty and residents to ensure that you are exposed to all the core topics during your residency and to prepare you for the annual CREOG exam.


Once a week on Wednesdays


Boot Camp

You will participate in a “boot camp” for new interns during your PGY-1 orientation.

Senior residents and faculty will work with you to reinforce your basic surgical skills, including suturing and knot tying.



CREOG Review Sessions

Our core faculty and volunteer faculty will help prepare you for the annual CREOG exam in January by conducting reviews in OB-GYN and all the subspecialties during protected education time.




In this seminar, you will be responsible for selecting and presenting an appropriate case or cases which pose ethical concerns. 

You may present the case in either a retrospective or prospective manner. Discussion of the medico-legal issues surrounding the case will also be included when appropriate.

Medical students in their third-year clerkship are also invited.


Twice yearly

Gynecologic Oncology Morbidity & Mortality

During your PGY-3 gynecologic oncology rotation at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, you must give your gynecology oncology presentations at Roswell Park during your rotation, and then at our city-wide grand rounds.



Journal Club

Our journal club improves your analytical skills and helps you stay current in the field.

In these sessions, a junior resident will present two general OB-GYN or subspecialty articles, chosen by the chief resident and a faculty mentor, for critical review of research design, methodologies and statistical analysis.

The discussions serve to reinforce the concepts learned during the core lecture series.




This seminar provides insight in the area of medical jurisprudence. By using actual malpractice cases, you will acquire a basic understanding of the judicial process involved in medical malpractice litigation.



Neonatal-Perinatal Joint Conference

In this conference, held in collaboration with the Division of Neonatology within the Department of Pediatrics, select cases are jointly presented by the PGY-2 maternal-fetal medicine resident and the neonatology fellow.

Supervised by faculty from both departments, this conference is only attended by the presenting OB-GYN resident and maternal-fetal medicine faculty.



Buffalo Gynecologic and Obstetric Society Speakers

You will have the opportunity to hear national speakers on a variety of topics. You also will be invited to attend the Buffalo Gynecologic and Obstetric Society’s dinner meetings.


Up to six times per year

Operative Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy Workshops

These workshops provide progressive, graded instruction for training in the principles and practices of operative endoscopy and laparoscopy, including didactic sessions covering theory, instrumentation and safety.

You will also participate in inanimate simulation labs as well as a live animal-model lab.




The MASTTARR Lab in the Biomedical Research Building.

Pathology Conference

These sessions, conducted in collaboration with the Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, review select cases with a focus on pathological review and diagnosis.


Four times per year

Principles of Research

During this lecture series, the focus is on presenting practical applications of research and statistics, with a particular emphasis on situations encountered by OB-GYNs.

Designed to teach lifelong learning skills about evidence-based medicine, these lectures teach the principles of good research design and practical use of data analysis and statistical methods.

You will learn:

  • how to formulate a testable research question
  • how to design a good research study
  • how to critically evaluate research design in the literature
  • statistical approaches to data
  • common research mistakes

The lectures will be presented by the research team: the vice chair for research, an epidemiologist and a research coordinator.

Topics covered include:

  • defining the research question
  • good study design
  • statistics
  • research ethics
  • how to research and review the literature
  • meta-analysis
  • how to present data



Quality Improvement/Quality Assurance Presentations

In conjunction with a faculty member, you will present patient cases that had an undesired outcome. Discussion will focus on issues that might have contributed to the outcome and ways to improve patient care.


Approximately twice a month


Each spring and summer, you will participate in a team-building retreat. Activities are set up by the residents and vary every year.


Twice a year (spring & summer)

Small Group Workshops

Various workshops will be conducted each year throughout your residency. Examples include workshops on shoulder dystocia and operative delivery, estimated blood loss and obstetrics emergencies.


Meets two to three times a year and varies annually