Meet Our Students

By the Numbers

Among our small community, our students represent a wide variety of backgrounds, research, clinical interests, extracurricular activities, and hobbies.

  • 30.
    30 Current Students

    With an incoming class of 4 students per year, our students form a tight-knit bond.

  • 8.
    8 F30 Awards

    Our students have a particularly successful rate of receiving these prestigious awards.

  • 7.8.
    7.8 Average Years to Completion

    With a tightly integrated curriculum, our students graduate quickly.

  • 14.
    14 Students from Out-of-State

    Our students join us from all over the country, from the west coast and everywhere in between.

  • 20.
    20 Program Options

    With 20 currently affiliated PhD programs, our students have plenty of options.