Student Appeals

The Standing Committee on Student Appeals adjudicates on matters of dismissal and/or grievance.

The committee will consist of five faculty members and three students. The five faculty members and five alternates will be nominated by the Steering Committee of the Faculty Council and elected by the Council. The student members and two alternates will be selected by Student Polity from the second-, third- or fourth-year classes.

The makeup of the committee will be designed to remove the distorting pressure of personality or conflict of interest and will assure equal, dispassionate, responsive and equitable treatment of the nuances and unique qualities of each appeal. The committee will elect the chairperson. The membership of the committee will be made public each year at the start of the academic year. The committee shall serve for one year or until any matter under consideration is resolved.


Chair 2023-2026

Heather Lehman, MD
Department of Pediatrics

2023-2024 Term


Alexandra DiVasta
Nitya Murali
Natalie Nunez
Greg Vitone
Joseph Wahba

Ex officio

Faculty Council President