Professor of Surgery
Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Fetal Surgery; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Pediatric Surgery; Surgery - Laparoscopic; Surgery - Thoracic; Surgery - Trauma; Surgery – Minimally Invasive and Robotic
-To be a recognized leader in academic pediatric surgery (clinical surgery, clinical/basic science research, teaching and administration),
-To build a state of the art surgical department, divisions, and programs congruent withthe mission goals, and needs of institutions (university, hospital, other departments), patients and their families and faculty (full time and volunteer)
-To create the requiste environment for students, residents, and faculty to optimize career development
-To maintain a busy clinical pratice of open and miniature access surgery for fetuses, infants, children
-To cross train students (MD, RN, DDS, Phar D.,MPH, Basic Science, Residents and Fellows(all specialties), Faculty (all Health Science Schools),and Community Healthcare Professionals in the requisite MBA Skill Sets, Entrepreneurism, and Big Data analysis to optimize their professional development, careers and their patients‘ outcomes in this complicated and ever changing Healthcare environment
-To be actively involved in teaching and practicing Interprofessional Care (IPC) and Interprofessional Education (IPE)
-To continue to train and mentor academic gerneral surgeons
-To continue to train and mentor academic pediatric surgeons
-To continue to teach and mentor students at various levels
-To continue laboratory and clinical incestifations in the following areas: lung development, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, fetal physiology, birth defects, prenatal diagnosis of surgical problems, fetal surgery, the genetic aspects of surgical disease, fetal frowth factors, the physiology miniature access surgery, surgical robotics, ECMO, trauma, the education process for students, residents, and fellows virtual reality, surgical simulation, telelmedicine, telesurgery, teleconferencing, telementoring, and computer applications in medicein
-To continue research and development with corporate biomedical parners
-To continue to advocate for children and children‘s health care
-To continue build an academic portfolio, a management skill set, and administrative experiences to prepare for a university or system-wide leadership position
-To champion the value of Shared Governance (trust, collegiality, dialogue, mutual respect, sharing perspectives, listening, a shared sense of purpose, shared accountability, being mindful of diversity and inclusion, always remembering some of us have certain privileges and experiences of life that others have not, remaining humble, recognizing differences while remaining open to finding common ground and transparency of information, effective and constructive engagement by the administration and councils with the faculty, staff and students, not just effective and constructive engagement, but also timely engagement, being proactive, not reactive on important issues and always being at the table with a voice and a vote) at a local, state and national levels
-To Participate in UB Labor-Management relations, to rebuild and revitalize the UB Health Sciences Chapter (HSC) of UUP, to do more for the professional staff by focusing on improved professional staff development and recognition of their achievements, to eliminate mid-career salary compression for both men and women, to strive for gender equity in salary for all faculty and professional staff, to focus on diversity faculty recruitments and retention of these scares resources by helping to change the “climate” at UB, to get faculty and staff more involved in advocacy at the local, state and federal levels, to make full tuition at any SUNY school for all of our permanent and tenured members (faculty and staff), their spouses and their dependents a benefit in our next contract (academic shackles), to assure that future negotiated contracts are fully funded with “new” resources to grow the pie and not by dividing the pie into ever small sections, to revitalize UUP HSC committee structure, and to get more members involved in and collaboration with UUP Buffalo Center, other UUP chapter, state UUP and the DA