Philip L. Glick MD, MBA, FACS, FRCS

Philip Glick

Philip L. Glick

Professor of Surgery

Department of Surgery

Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Specialty/Research Focus

Fetal Surgery; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Pediatric Surgery; Surgery - Laparoscopic; Surgery - Thoracic; Surgery - Trauma; Surgery – Minimally Invasive and Robotic

Contact Information
Department of Surgery
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
955 Main Street Suite 6146
Buffalo, New York 14203
Phone: (716) 845-1837

Patient Care

This faculty member is affiliated with UBMD, practicing physicians who are also professors in the Jacobs School.

View this physician on UBMD

Professional Summary:

-To be a recognized leader in academic pediatric surgery (clinical surgery, clinical/basic science research, teaching and administration),
-To build a state of the art surgical department, divisions, and programs congruent withthe mission goals, and needs of institutions (university, hospital, other departments), patients and their families and faculty (full time and volunteer)
-To create the requiste environment for students, residents, and faculty to optimize career development
-To maintain a busy clinical pratice of open and miniature access surgery for fetuses, infants, children
-To cross train students (MD, RN, DDS, Phar D.,MPH, Basic Science, Residents and Fellows(all specialties), Faculty (all Health Science Schools),and Community Healthcare Professionals in the requisite MBA Skill Sets, Entrepreneurism, and Big Data analysis to optimize their professional development, careers and their patients‘ outcomes in this complicated and ever changing Healthcare environment
-To be actively involved in teaching and practicing Interprofessional Care (IPC) and Interprofessional Education (IPE)
-To continue to train and mentor academic gerneral surgeons
-To continue to train and mentor academic pediatric surgeons
-To continue to teach and mentor students at various levels
-To continue laboratory and clinical incestifations in the following areas: lung development, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, fetal physiology, birth defects, prenatal diagnosis of surgical problems, fetal surgery, the genetic aspects of surgical disease, fetal frowth factors, the physiology miniature access surgery, surgical robotics, ECMO, trauma, the education process for students, residents, and fellows virtual reality, surgical simulation, telelmedicine, telesurgery, teleconferencing, telementoring, and computer applications in medicein
-To continue research and development with corporate biomedical parners
-To continue to advocate for children and children‘s health care
-To continue build an academic portfolio, a management skill set, and administrative experiences to prepare for a university or system-wide leadership position
-To champion the value of Shared Governance (trust, collegiality, dialogue, mutual respect, sharing perspectives, listening, a shared sense of purpose, shared accountability, being mindful of diversity and inclusion, always remembering some of us have certain privileges and experiences of life that others have not, remaining humble, recognizing differences while remaining open to finding common ground and transparency of information, effective and constructive engagement by the administration and councils with the faculty, staff and students, not just effective and constructive engagement, but also timely engagement, being proactive, not reactive on important issues and always being at the table with a voice and a vote) at a local, state and national levels
-To Participate in UB Labor-Management relations, to rebuild and revitalize the UB Health Sciences Chapter (HSC) of UUP, to do more for the professional staff by focusing on improved professional staff development and recognition of their achievements, to eliminate mid-career salary compression for both men and women, to strive for gender equity in salary for all faculty and professional staff, to focus on diversity faculty recruitments and retention of these scares resources by helping to change the “climate” at UB, to get faculty and staff more involved in advocacy at the local, state and federal levels, to make full tuition at any SUNY school for all of our permanent and tenured members (faculty and staff), their spouses and their dependents a benefit in our next contract (academic shackles), to assure that future negotiated contracts are fully funded with “new” resources to grow the pie and not by dividing the pie into ever small sections, to revitalize UUP HSC committee structure, and to get more members involved in and collaboration with UUP Buffalo Center, other UUP chapter, state UUP and the DA

Education and Training:

  • Kellogg School of Business, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (2005)
  • MBA, Healthcare, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University (2005)
  • Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, Seattle, WA (1988)
  • General Surgery Resident, University of California, San Francisco, CA (1986)
  • Fetal Surgery Fellow, University of California, San Francisco (1984)
  • Fellowship, University of California,San Francisco, CA (1984)
  • MD, Medical Student, University of California, San Francisco, CA (1979)
  • BA, Human Genetics, University of California, Berkeley, CA, Cum Laude (1975)


  • Professor with tenure, Surgery, SUNY, University of Buffalo (1997-present)
  • Professor (secondary), Management, SUNY, University of Buffalo (2012–2024)
  • Professor (secondary), Pediatrics, SUNY, University of Buffalo (2017–2015)
  • Professor (secondary), OB/GYN, SUNY, University of Buffalo (1997–2015)
  • Associate Professor (secondary), Pediatrics, SUNY, University of Buffalo (1995–1997)
  • Associatiate Professor with tenure, Surgery, SUNY, University of Buffalo (1994–1997)
  • Assistant Professor (secondary), Pediatrics, SUNY, University of Buffalo (1989–1995)
  • Assistant Professor (tenure track), Surgery, SUNY, University of Buffalo (1988–1994)

Awards and Honors:

  • NYSUT Higher education Award (2023)
  • Fellowship in the Royal College of Surgeons of England (1991)
  • East Bay Surgical Society Research Award (1984)
  • Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society (1979)
  • Academic Senate Research Grant
  • March of Dimes Summer Birth Defects Research Fellowship
  • Phi Beta Kappa
  • President Seal of honor for Exemplary Achievements in the Field of Medicine
  • Research Award, Spring Clinical Day
  • Research Award, Spring Clinical Day
  • Research Award, Spring Clinical day
  • Research Award, Spring Clinicla day
  • Seattle Surgical Society Paper Award

Research Expertise:

  • Academic Pediatric Surgery

Journal Articles:

See all (98 more)

Books and Book Chapters:

  • Carlyle B, Borowitz DS, Glick PL. (2014) In: "Meconium Ileus". Appleton and Lange, 558-570.
  • Carlyle BE, Borowitz DS, Glick PL. (2011) In: "Meconium Ileus". McGraw Hill
  • Irish MS, Borowitz DS, Glick PL. (2003) In: "Meconium Ileus". McGraw Hill Professional, 597-607.
  • Irish MS, Caty MG, Glick PL, Borowitz DS. (2000) In: "Gastrointestinal surgical aspects of cystic fibrosis". Hanley and Belfus, 127-139.


  • Karamanoukian HL, O‘Toole S, Brecher M, Caty MG, Allen JE, Azizkhan RG, Glick PL. (1995) The Disappearing Kidney Following Adrenal or Upper Abdominal Paraaortic Neuroblastoma Resection. Proc Am Pediatr Surg Assoc, (Jan)
  • Wilcox DT, Glick PL, Karamanoukian H, Morin FC, Fuhrman BP, Leach CL. (1994) Perfluorocarbon Associated Gas Exchange (PAGE) and Nitric Oxide in the Lamb Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Model. Pediatr Res, (Apr) A260-A260
  • Glick PL, Lele AS,. (1990) Fetal Therapy in Western New York - the BIFT Experience. Annual Medical Alumni Association 1990, (Mar)


  • "UB Faculty Senate Budget Priorities Committee’s Annual Resource Planning Process Presentation (ARPP) for 2024-2025 Budget Year" Provost's ARPP Team (2024)
  • "Stop the Bleed" Buffalo Jewish Federation Mtg (2024)
  • "Financial Literacy and Why and MD/MBA is a Prudent Decision for You and this Stage of Your Career" MS3 All Class Meeting (2024)
  • "Pectus Excavatum: From Ravitch to Nuss" UB Department of Surgery Grand Rounds (2024)

Service Activities:

  • Organizer of the 10th annual UB SGD; SGD involves all 5 pillars of shared governance. Keynote speaker is SUNY Chancellor King; Co-chair, 2025 Shared Governance Day at UB (2024–2025)
  • Advises Buffalo Toronto Public Media regarding strategic initiatives for community outrach; Chair, Buffalo Toronto Community Advisory board (2024–present)
  • Buffalo Toronto Public Media; Member, Executive Board (2024–present)
  • Meets regularly at SUNY plenaries and other times to discuss matters at SUNY HSC; Member, SUNY Faculty Senate Health Care Sector (2024–present)
  • provides guidance on matters of governance, at both the University and local governance levels. The committee shall engage local governance leaders of the University. The committee will conduct comprehensive reviews of the Senate Bylaws, Standing Rules, Guidelines, and Governance Handbook.; Member, SUNY Faculty Senate Governance Committee (2024–present)
  • Leadership of UB Faculty Senate; Member, UB Faculty Senate Executive Committee (2024–present)
  • Raising money for WBFO for ~ 2-4 hours per quarter; On-air Guest Fund Raiser (2024–present)
  • Represent the 5 UB HSC at SUNY UFS; Senator to SUNY University Faculty Senate (2024–present)
  • a WNY start-up who is developing on-line curriculum to accredit large construction equipment operators; Trustee, Cahill Tech (2024–present)
  • Buffalo Tool Library, monthly service to organization repairing items brought in for Dare to Repair Events; Volunteer (2024–present)
  • This committee shall appropriately consult, review, report and recommend to the senate and shall advise the Senior Administration on matters concerning the development of the university budget and shall recommend criteria for the allocation for university budgeted funds related to the initiation, development, and implementation of the educational program. Make annual presentation to Provost for ARPP; Chair, UB FS Budget Priorities Committee (2023–present)
  • The UB FS is one of 5 pillars of shared governance at UB; Senator, UB Faculty Senate (2023–present)
  • Hillel of Buffalo; Trustee, Board of Trustees (2021–present)
  • APSA is the major pediatric surgical society. our committee involves documenting and celebrating the history of APSA; Member, American Pediatric Surgical Society History Committee (2019–present)
  • We vet WNY start-ups who are requesting space at UB; Member, START-UP NY Selection Committee (2019–present)
  • Learning to stop the bleed is a lifesaving skill. The number 1 cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding. With 3 quick actions, you can be trained and empowered to save a life.; Facilitator and Trainer for ACS Stop the Bleed Program (2019–present)
  • Buffalo Toronto Public Media (WBFO/WNED); Trustee, Board of Trustees (2019–present)
  • Supervise UB Heals Students doing street rounds for homeless individuals; Faculty volunteer for street rounds, UB Heals (2018–present)
  • Reviews budget and makes recommendations to temple Beth Zion B of D; Member, TBZ Financial Planning Committee (2016–present)
  • Reviews and rewrites Temple Beth Zion by-laws and makes recommendations to TBS B of D; Member, TBZ Governance Committee (2016–present)
  • Buffalo Angels LLC: An angel fund made up of several dozen WNYer's (UB and private sector) interested in providing angel funding for start-ups located within 90 minutes of Buffalo NY (Toronto, Ithica, Rochester, Cleveland and other WNY locals); Fund Co-Manager (2015–present)
  • AOA id the national/international dedicated to supporting academic excellence and perpetuating excellence in the medical profession; Member, AOA Advisory Board (2011–present)

School News:

In the Media:

Clinical Specialties:

Clinical Offices:

Insurance Accepted:

Contact Information

Department of Surgery
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
955 Main Street Suite 6146
Buffalo, New York 14203
Phone: (716) 845-1837

This faculty member is affiliated with UBMD, practicing physicians who are also professors in the Jacobs School.

View this physician on UBMD