DaVinci drawing of a man.

The Lawrence and Nancy Golden Memorial Lectureship on Mind-Body Medicine

The Lawrence & Nancy Golden Memorial Lectureship on Mind-Body Medicine was founded in 2001 to expand the traditional medical model to a bio-psycho-social and spiritual model of care.

Each year, a distinguished lecturer is invited to the University at Buffalo to present the “Golden Lectureship.” The primary audience is first- and second-year students in the medical school. The lecture reinforces the theme of Dr. Golden’s teaching career—that there is an interaction among the brain, mind, body, and spirit.

Mind-Body Medicine focuses on the interactions among the physical body, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions as related to health. For the Goldens, mind-body medicine also required a successful interaction between physician and patient.

Dr. Golden was a successful practitioner of diagnostics and treatment of heart conditions, but he was also recognized as an outstanding teacher of bedside manner. The “Walk and Talk” clinic that Lawrence Golden founded along with his wife, Nancy, a family therapist, also emphasized the importance of social support and spirituality in the recovery of patients from life threatening illnesses. 

The Golden Lecture series is similarly broad based to provide an opportunity to hear an outstanding lecturer speak on a topic enlightening to medical students, faculty, and the larger community.

  • Leonard E. Egede, MD

    Managing Depression in Primary Care: A Case Based Approach

    Leonard E. Egede, MD.

    Leonard E. Egede, MD, is the new chair of the Department of Medicine in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo, effective July 1. He is also the president and CEO of UBMD Internal Medicine of the UBMD Physicians’ Group.

    Dr. Egede joined UB from the Division of General Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin, where he was a tenured professor of medicine and held several leadership positions.

    His expertise encompasses a wide range of health care delivery, research and education. With over 24 years of academic leadership, Dr. Egede has spearheaded significant initiatives in research, mentorship and faculty development.

    Dr. Egede is a nationally recognized health disparities researcher whose work focuses on developing and testing innovative interventions aimed at addressing and ultimately eliminating health disparities in chronic medical and mental health conditions that result from race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status and geographic location.