Gillian Einstein, AB, PhD

Gillian Einstein, AB, PhD.

Gillian Einstein, AB, PhD
The University of Toronto

Sex and the Brain: The connection between the reproductive system and the brain

Gillian Einstein is Associate Professor of Psychology and of Public Health at the University of Toronto.

Dr. Einstein received her AB from Harvard University where she graduated cum laude in Art History and her PhD from the University of Pennsylvania where she studied visual neuroanatomy. She did a postdoctoral fellowship in retinal physiology as well as in cortical organization. She has published in vision, Alzheimer disease, sex differences, and hormones and mood. Her current research is on the effects of estrogens and culture on women's biologies and she is funded to study cognitive and brain changes in young women who have had their ovaries removed before natural menopause. The overarching question of her research is: if one part of the body is cut, how does the entire body become involved through the central nervous system and the rest of the world?