
Stress Test

Receive comprehensive training in performing stress tests, monitoring these tests and interpreting the data they provide.

You will gain confidence in ordering, administering, and interpreting exercise, pharmacological and nuclear stress tests.

Topics Covered, Skills Learned

  • understand the newest basic science concepts and mechanisms in stress test
  • familiarity with current medical literature, clinical trials and evidence based medicine in stress test
  • learn the methods and technical aspects of cardiac stress tests SPECT stress test, PET scan, and MRI/MRA
  • master the nuclear evaluation of patients with coronary artery disease, including reversible ischemia and myocardial viability
  • understand and utilize the multidisciplinary resources necessary to perform nuclear studies on acutely ill cardiac patients
  • collaborate with other members of the health care team to assure comprehensive cardiac care. Understand the system complexities in stress test
  • use evidence-based cost conscious strategies in the appropriate performance of nuclear studies

Year Taken

  • PGY-4

Length of Rotation

4 weeks

Clinical Site

Patient Population

  • full spectrum of ages is treated 
  • patients are from a more privileged socioeconomic group