Girl Scouts Go to Medical School

“Girl Scouts Go to Medical School” is an annual event led by UB medical students.

Gowthami Gengatharan, a second-year UB medical student, welcomes the assembled Girl Scouts.

Western New York Girls Scouts learn about careers in medicine at the annual Girl Scouts Go to Medical School event sponsored by UB DoctHERS, a network of female physicians, scientists, faculty, residents and students at UB that promotes women in medicine and science.

During this half-day program, medical students teach the Girl Scouts how to use stethoscopes and reflex hammers while introducing them to the basics of the physical exam. Using the anatomy lab's "bone boxes," the girls learn about the musculoskeletal system. At a session on radiology, medical students show them how physicians use X-rays in clinical care.

This event culminates with a Q&A session during which the girls and their parents ask medical students about their journey to medical school and their professional aspirations.