Master’s Degree Program

The master’s degree in biochemistry positions you to:

  • become more competitive for laboratory professions in academia or industry
  • strengthen your skills and knowledge base for medical or dental school
  • continue in a doctoral program in biochemistry or other biomedical science

The Biochemistry MA is a course-and-research-based program. Laboratory rotations provide you opportunities to collaborate and hands-on experience in lab techniques. Once you have chosen a lab, you will carry out research and submit a project summary to your mentor. Most MA candidates complete the degree requirements in 18 months to two years.

Please also review:

Research opportunities

Some of our recent biochemistry MA recipients have studied the mechanisms by which:

  • stem cells from muscle promote cardiac repair and regeneration
  • chromosomes in yeast are maintained to be accurately replicated
  • pH alters the activity of the ion channel regulating memory formation

Build on your education

Our master’s candidates stay current in biochemistry research, present their research and connect with peers by participating in research seminars, Biochemistry Research Day and the Graduate Student Club.

Learn More

Contact Us

Director of Graduate Studies

Estrada, D. Fernando

D. Fernando Estrada, PhD

Associate Professor

955 Main St., Rm 4222 Department of Biochemistry Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: 716-829-2767; Fax: 716-829-2725


Master’s Program Graduate Coordinator

M. Sara Thomas

Administrative Assistant/Administrator

Department of Biochemistry/Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics Graduate Program

955 Main St., Ste 4102E, Buffalo, NY 14203-1121

Phone: 716-829-3890
