Continuity Clinics

Mohammed Hamid, MD; Jyotsna Bhatnagar, MD.

As a fellow in our program, you — like Mohammed Hamid, MD (left) — can deepen your knowledge of kidney disease complications in our continuity clinics with guidance from Jyotsna Bhatnagar, MD.

Our continuity clinic settings give you the opportunity to assume the role of primary renal provider for a personal panel of patients.

In our continuity clinics, you’ll develop skills in providing longitudinal care and create rewarding relationships with the faculty who train you and the patients you see.

Undertake the Duties of a Primary Renal Caregiver

Training in our continuity clinics will give you an active role in patient management. 

With the guidance of one of our attending physicians, you will act as the primary renal caregiver for your own patients. You can expect to assume responsibilities such as:

  • introducing patients to the various types of dialysis modalities
  • following patients while on dialysis, writing monthly progress notes and discussing the patient with the attending
  • evaluating and treating anemia and renal bone disease
  • following up on patients’ laboratory and radiologic studies and communicating these to the patient
  • scheduling patients for vascular access or peritoneal catheter placement
  • participating in the attending physicians’s evaluation of whether patients are suitable transplant candidates

Work With a Unique Patient Population

Our continuity clinics will help you gain experience caring for patients experiencing severely decreased glomerular filtration. You will see patients with advanced chronic kidney disease who are approaching end-stage renal disease and need to begin dialysis.

Providing ongoing continuity care for these patients will deepen your understanding of complications related to advanced chronic kidney disease, including:

  • uremia 
  • high blood pressure
  • anemia
  • bone disease
  • cardiovascular diseases

Train at Diverse Sites

During our two-year fellowship, you will spend a half day per week in a continuity clinic. 

We have continuity clinics at two sites, and you’ll alternate between them. Each site has supportive faculty and an interesting and varied mix of cases: