Division of General Pediatrics Internship

This internship provides a rising second-year medical student with experience in pediatric primary care clinical research with a focus in asthma.

Students participating in this internship will gain experience with working on various research projects related to asthma. They will work with Dr. Holmes as well as her research staff, including seeing study participants at their schools or doing home visits. They will be taught the national guidelines on asthma assessment and management, similar to what is taught to third-year medical students and pediatric residents. There will also be opportunities to join Dr. Holmes while she sees patients in clinic, including her Asthma Clinic that is embedded in a primary care office.

Students will develop their own research question and analyze some preliminary data from a larger asthma study currently being conducted, or develop their own research study. They will meet with Dr. Holmes several times before the start of the internship to allow enough time to develop their research question and completion of the project during the summer internship. They will give an oral presentation to the team at the end of the internship as well as prepare a poster for the school’s Medical Student Research Forum that is typically in January the following year.”

Number of Positions

We typically accept one student per year. Please contact Lucy Holmes, MD, MPH, before submitting an application to be sure a position is available.


Rising second-year Jacobs School medical students interested in pediatric research are eligible.

Program Dates

This is a seven-week internship during the summer between your first and second year.



How to Apply

Submit your curriculum vitae (CV) with a letter of intent that includes answers to the following questions:

  • What are your career goals?
  • What do you hope to gain from this internship?
  • Describe any previous research and/or clinical experience.

Participation Requirements

At least two months prior to the internship starting, you must complete two online courses required by the Institutional Review Board to conduct research.

Application Deadline

February 20th

Award Notification

Applicants will be interviewed after they submit their application, and a selection will be made by mid-March.


If you have questions about this research opportunity, please contact:

Holmes, Lucy

Lucy Holmes, MD, MPH

Clinical Associate Professor

UBMD Pediatrics Division of General Pediatrics 1001 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 323-0034; Fax: (716) 323-0292

Email: luholmes@buffalo.edu