Our program’s substantial graduate coursework gives a competitive advantage to BS/MS candidates like Lindsey Euscher when applying to PhD programs.
Jump-start your career in pharmacology and toxicology by combining your Bachelor’s in Science (BS) degree with a Master’s in Science (MS) in only five years.
In addition to your academic coursework, once accepted to the BS/MS program, your focus will shift to your thesis research, as outlined in this timeline.
Work with our highly accomplished faculty at every stage of experimental, hands-on research: studying biological processes, modeling novel compounds, synthesizing these compounds and testing their effects.
You will:
During the MS component of your studies, we will match you with outstanding, internationally recognized mentors to support your research interests. In addition to faculty in our department, you may conduct interdisciplinary research with faculty at the world-renowned Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center or in other departments on campus.
We fully fund student travel to major pharmacology conferences where you can present your research. We encourage our students to publish and we set up opportunities for you to meet researchers early in your studies, initiating professional connections to support your long-term goals.
At the end of the BS/MS program, you will have completed substantial graduate coursework, giving you a competitive advantage in applying to PhD programs and a strong foundation for advanced graduate research.
Our highly competitive degrees also prepare students for MD and dental programs and positions in pharmaceutical and biotech companies as well as medical patent law.
For questions about the BS/MS program in pharmacology and toxicology, please contact:
Shannon M. Brown
Neuroscience Coordinator/Jacobs School Curriculum & Assessment
Biomedical Undergraduate Education