Fellowships and Awards

James R. Olson, PhD, hoods a new graduate at commencement.

We present several awards recognizing academic achievement during our annual commencement ceremony.

We celebrate scholarly excellence and contributions to the scientific community through competitive annual awards. 

  • Allen Barnett Graduate Student Travel Awards
    Funding to support attending scientific conferences is available to graduate students conducting research with Pharmacology and Toxicology faculty.
  • Barnett Fellowship in Pharmacology
    The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology awards PhD graduate students financial support through the Allen Barnett Graduate Student Fellowship.
  • Higgins Award for Dissertation Research
    We recognize the outstanding dissertation research and academic accomplishments of our doctoral candidates.
  • Riggs Award for Excellence
    The Douglas S. Riggs Award for Excellence in Pharmacology honors a medical student with an outstanding academic record in pharmacology coursework and a dedication to research.