Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship

Program director Sourav Sengupta and Suzy Asikhia.

“We have incredibly dedicated faculty who are truly invested in the clinical, academic, professional and personal development of our fellows,” says program director Sourav Sengupta, MD, with fellow Isuan “Suzy” Asikhia.

  • Curriculum
    Our two-year fellowship prepares you to practice as a highly competent, ethical, resourceful clinical child and adolescent psychiatrist.
  • Research and Scholarship
    Our program mentors you through a required research seminar and research project during your fellowship.
  • Clinical Training Sites
    Our sites throughout the Buffalo area ensure that you get experience with a wide variety of patients, conditions, treatment protocols and settings.
  • Our Fellows and Alumni
    Our graduates say it best: Individualized mentoring, flexible training opportunities and support for your research prepare you for a rewarding career in child and adolescent psychiatry.
  • Scholarships and Awards
    The medical school funds a variety of awards to support your professional development and recognize your accomplishments.
  • Salary, Benefits and Support
    Our salaries do not include the additional value of your benefits, which UB GME pays. Most institutions ask you to pay for your own benefits. Add $4,000 to $5,000 to our salaries for an accurate figure of your effective salary to compare what you will earn here to other programs.
  • How to Apply
    We accept applications for open positions in our fellowship program through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS).
  • Contact Us
    Contact us if you have questions about our fellowship program.

Program Director

Sengupta, Sourav

Sourav Sengupta, MD, MPH

Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Pediatrics Director of Training - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

University at Buffalo - Psychiatry The Children‘s Psychiatric Clinic 1028 Main St. Buffalo, NY 14202

Phone: (716) 859-5454


Training Program Administrator

Elizabeth Sengupta.

Elizabeth Sengupta

Program Coordinator, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry


Children’s Psychiatric Clinic, 1028 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14202

Phone: 716-859-5462; Fax: 716-859-5589
