Our faculty conduct NIH-funded research from the molecular level up to behavioral intervention studies on topics as diverse as psychosomatics, domestic violence and medical ontology.
Our faculty publish actively on diverse subjects: psychosomatic issues, pain management, patient reporting and compliance behaviors, whole community and family roles in psychiatric conditions and treatment, teaching strategies and much more.
The UB 2020 strategic plan provides a framework for combining existing faculty strengths with investment in world-class new hires and resources to give the university a preeminent leadership role among its peers.
Collaborating with colleagues throughout the university, our faculty have researched brain imaging, health services interventions and epidemiological risk factors and have conducted experimental investigations and longitudinal cohort studies. Faculty in our department have also conducted Phase II, III and IV Food and Drug Administration studies.
Specialized clinics and laboratories support our faculty’s active research programs and provide training opportunities for students, residents and fellows.
Our school’s shared core instrumentation and transgenic animal facilities support research by UB faculty and investigators at our affiliated institutions. These facilities not only house state-of-the-art equipment but in many cases also provide data analysis, training and grant writing consultation.
Our faculty use the Child and Family Asthma Studies Center to study how family relations impact anxiety, depression and stress-related illness in children and adolescents.
Our faculty lead projects at the interdisciplinary Research Institute on Addictions, focusing on the relationships among alcohol abuse, violence and marital and family processes.
Faculty in the Division of Forensic Psychiatry study how psychological and neurobiological factors relate to criminal behavior in people with psychiatric illnesses.
We sustain a related program of research investigating the factors, especially neurobiological mechanisms, that contribute to the manifestation of violence in schizophrenia.
At our department’s one-of-a-kind Child and Family Asthma Studies Center, we study how stress and depression impact disease, using a laboratory-based stress paradigm.
Our innovative program Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for Primary Care (CAP-PC) is evaluating a new model for providing child psychiatric consultation to pediatricians.
The search for more effective pharmacological treatments for mood disorders relies on a more thorough and accurate understanding of these disorders’ etiology.
The ongoing clinical study iCare seeks to identify how family stress and depression function as obstacles to adherence to treatment for patients with cystic fibrosis.
In this custom-designed psychophysiology lab, our faculty, residents and fellows study the mechanisms by which the mind affects the body in psychosomatic illness by measuring heart rate and heart rate variability under lab stress conditions.