Specialized clinics and laboratories support our faculty’s active research programs and provide training opportunities for students, residents and fellows.
In this custom-designed psychophysiology lab, our faculty, residents and fellows study the mechanisms by which the mind affects the body in psychosomatic illness by measuring heart rate and heart rate variability under lab stress conditions.
Offers instrumentation and the technical expertise required to express and purify milligram quantities of soluble and membrane proteins for biophysical and structural characterization.
Engrafts stem cells into mice and other model systems; quantifies cell engraftment, migration and differentiation, and analyzes the behavior consequences of neural engraftment.
Enables researchers to obtain transmission electron microscope images of materials, polymers and biological samples; consults with investigators and assists with equipment operation.
We provide training and consultation services for students, faculty, researchers and clinicians whose work involves digital whole slide imaging (WSI) and multispectral microscopy for research, teaching or clinical interests.
The Comparative Medicine Laboratory Animal Facilities (CM-LAF) is a centralized service organization responsible for the animal care and use program campus-wide.
The Confocal Microscope and Flow Cytometry Facility (CMFCF) is a Dept. Pathology and Anatomical Sciences (PAS) service center serving the researchers in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences as well as the scientists located on the South and North Campus’s at the University at Buffalo. We are part of the Health Sciences Collaborative Core Facilities and work closely with other PAS cores as well as the core facilities in the School of Dental Medicine to provide comprehensive and integrative services to solve the imaging and cytometry challenges presented by cutting-edge research programs. The imaging and cytometry instrumentation installed in the site are the latest, state of art flow cytometers and optical microscopes.
Our library system offers access to databases including Medline, AccessMedicine and MDConsult, and hosts multimedia resources from instructional videos to archival monographs.
Our school’s shared core instrumentation and transgenic animal facilities support research by UB faculty and investigators at our affiliated institutions.