Charles E. Wiles III, MD, presents at the 2018 John R. Border Memorial Lectureship.
Dr. John R. Border
Dr. Border earned international acclaim as an authority on trauma care patients. In the early 1970’s, he led a team of UB researchers in developing treatment plans to prevent the stress of severe, multiple trauma from producing a chain of biochemical events that, if not treated with combination protein and glucose therapy, could lead to death. His pioneering work continues to save thousands of accident and injury victims from multiple‐system organ failure. Much of the lifesaving research over the years was funded at UB through grants from the National Institute of General Medical Services.
A 1956 graduate of Harvard Medical School, Dr. Border did his undergraduate work at Harvard College and Indiana University. He joined the UB faculty in 1965 as a member of the Department of Surgery. He was director of the trauma service at ECMC and Director of the Trauma Research Program in the UB School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences from 1968 until his retirement in 1991. Although officially retired, Dr. Border continued his work, both locally and internationally, to improve the treatment of trauma patients. Wearing his trademark fire‐engine‐red suspenders, white shirt and tan slacks, he regularly visited his office at ECMC.
A modest, soft‐spoken man, he trained hundreds of UB medical students and residents during his career, inspiring them by his example to not only be good surgeons, but to practice the “art” of the profession.
In 1985, The Buffalo News honored Dr. Border as a Citizen of the Year. He served on the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma from 1982‐1991 and was on the Board of the American Trauma Society. He was a member of more than a dozen professional organizations, authored or co‐authored more than 200 scientific articles and text materials, and delivered more than 200 lectures worldwide during his career.