Fellowship in Social Justice, Equity Administration and Leadership

About the Fellowship

The Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences seeks medical students or biomedical sciences graduate students to work on projects that address social, educational or health care inequities.

This fellowship provides an opportunity to develop leadership skills to advance equity and justice in institutional and community settings, and advance the Jacobs School’s mission to create a supportive learning environment.

Applicants will work with a primary mentor in the Jacobs School to address reasearch questions focused on equtity. The projects can be based on community engagement, curriculum/educational advancement, innovation in addressing disparities and/or development of a quality assesment tool/methodology.

Fellows will work on the research and design, implementation or analysis of their project over a 12 month period.

At the completion of the 12 month period, fellows will present their findings at the annual Social Justice Fellowship Symposium scheduled for the month of April 2025.

2024 Recipients

Amanda Bahgat and Danielle Falkenstein portraits.

Amanda Bahgat and Danielle Falkenstein

“Exploring and Addressing Gaps in Medical Education Regarding Indigenous Healthcare (Part 2)"

Shyon Small portrait.

Shyon Small

“Evaluation and Implementation of a School-Based CPR/AED Training Program: Fostering the Next Generation of Diverse Community-Engaged Healthcare Providers"

Nitya Murali and Henry Burton.

Nitya Murali and Henry Burton

"Beyond the Books: Evaluating Mental Well-being and Barriers to Care among Medical Students at Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences"

Zoe Arditi, Berkley Sawester and Madison Clague.

Zoe Arditi, Berkley Sawester and Madison Clague

“Abortion & Gender Affirming Care: Provider Experiences & Support Needs"

George Ghanatios, Kaswanna Phiri and Shyon Small.

George Ghanatios, Kaswanna Phiri and Shyon Small

"Empower the youth: educating on immigrant health care inequities in the Buffalo Community"

Moriah Martindale and LaShon Webb.

Moriah Martindale and LaShon Webb

“Barriers to Utilization of Campus Support Services faced by Underrepresented Minorities in Medicine”

Rhonda Drewes.

Rhonda Drewes

“AED Registration Strategies in Buffalo: Increasing Access to Lifesaving Devices"

Zakwan Uddin, Josef Iqbal and Hannah Igbal.

Zakwan Uddin, Josef Iqbal and Hannah Igbal

“Exploring Socioeconomic Obstacles to Mammogram Screening in South Asian Communities: Crafting Screening Strategies for Health Equity Restoration"

Amanda Bahgat and Danielle Falkenstein portraits.

Amanda Bahgat and Danielle Falkenstein

Black and Hispanic Post-Operative Ophthalmologic Health Outcomes

Megan Conrow-Graham, Oluwadahunsi (Dahunsi) Okunlola, Rahima Hussain.

Megan Conrow-Graham, Oluwadahunsi (Dahunsi) Okunlola, Rahima Hussain

Parent Perceptions and Alternative Treatments for Anxiety in ADHD


Medical, master’s and doctoral students at the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 

Faculty Mentor must have a primary appointment in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences


$3,500 per project to be used for fellowship-related supplies and travel to present project findings at local or a national meeting.

Award Selection and Announcement

Applications will be reviewed by our Social Justice Felowship Committee

Funded applications will be communited via email


For questions about this fellowship, please contact smbs-inclusion@buffalo.edu.