Clinical and Translational Research Center 875 Ellicott Street Suite 7030 Buffalo, New York 14203 Phone: 716-829-2666 Fax: 716-854-1840
As a SUNY Distinguished Professor, I am involved in the clinical, teaching and research programs is the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University at Buffalo. I care for patients at the Gates Vascular Institute (GVI) of Buffalo General Medical Center (BGMC) and the Buffalo VA Medical Center (VAMC). My clinical areas of expertise are in diagnosing and caring for patients with coronary artery disease and heart failure.
My research group conducts bench to bedside translational studies directed at advancing our mechanistic understanding of cardiac pathophysiology as well as developing new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for the management of patients with chronic ischemic heart disease. Our ongoing areas of preclinical investigation apply proteomic approaches to identify intrinsic adaptive responses of the heart to ischemia and studies examining the ability of intracoronary stem cell therapies to stimulate endogenous cardiomyocyte proliferation and improve heart function. We are particularly interested in understanding how elevations in heart filling pressures and reversible ischemia lead to cardiomyocyte cell death and fibrosis. We have demonstrated that the interstitial fibrosis arising from repetitive preload elevation leads to a cardiac phenotype reproducing some of the physiological features of heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction or HFpEF. We are currently examining therapeutic interventions to reverse interstitial fibrosis to improve the reduced left ventricular diastolic distensibility in this model.
Our group also conducts basic and patient-oriented research to understand how chronic ischemia modifies the cellular composition and sympathetic innervation of the heart to help develop new approaches to identify patients at risk of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) from ventricular fibrillation. The Prediction of Arrhythmic Events with Positron Emission Tomography (PAREPET) study found that two imaging variables, myocardial sympathetic denervation and left ventricular volume predicted the risk of having an appropriate ICD discharge for SCA. We are currently extending this in the ongoing PAREPET II study using an F-18 labeled norepinephrine analog with potentially broader implementation than the C-11 analog studied in PAREPET.
In addition to my laboratory investigation, I am engaged in the cardiology profession at national and international levels, including study sections of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, professional guidelines committees and served as former president of the Association of Professors of Cardiology.
Education and Training:
Fellowship, Cardiovascular Diseases, University at Buffalo (1983)
Residency, Internal Medicine, University at Rochester (1981)
MD, Medicine, University at Buffalo (1979)
BS, Biomedical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Cum Laude (1975)
Medical Staff, Kaleida Health (2008-present)
Staff Cardiologist, Cardiology, WNY Veterans Affairs Medical Center (1988-present)
SUNY Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Medicine, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2015-present)
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University at Buffalo (2010-present)
Director, Center for Research in Cardiovascular Medicine, University at Buffalo, Cardiology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2002-present)
Albert and Elizabeth Rekate Professor of Medicine, Medicine, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2001-present)
Professor of Physiology & Biophysics, Physiology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1996-present)
Staff Cardiologist, Western New York Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (1987-present)
Board of Directors,Central Radiation Services (CRS) (2015–2023)
Director of Cardiology Research Programs, Division of Cardiology (1992–2022)
Deputy Director, UB Clinical and Translational Science Institution, Cardiology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2013–2020)
Deputy Director,UB Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo (2013–2020)
Chief, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Medicine, University at Buffalo (2006–2019)
Director, UB CTRC Translational Imaging Facility, Medicine, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (2012–2018)
Director UB CTRC Translational Imaging Facility, UB Clinical and Translational Research Institute (2012–2017)
Attending Cardiologist, Erie County Medical Center (1983–2013)
Medical Staff, Erie County Medical Center (1983–2013)
Vice-Chair for Research, Department of Medicine, Medicine, University at Buffalo (2006–2011)
Associate Chief of Cardiology, Division of Cardiology, University at Buffalo (1998–2006)
Interim Director, Division of Cardiology, Coronary Care Unit, Erie County Medical Center (2001–2002)
Director of Cardiology Research Program, Cardiology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1992–2002)
Professor of Medicine, Medicine, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1995–2001)
Assistant Professor of Physiology, Physiology, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1986–1996)
Associate Professor of Medicine, University at Buffalo (1989–1995)
Cardiologist, Erie County Medical Center (1983–1994)
Assistant Professor of Medicine, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1983–1989)
Cardiology Fellow, University at Buffalo (1981–1983)
Cardiology Fellow and Instructor of Medicine, Medicine, University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1981–1983)
Medical Resident, Strong Memorial Hospital (1980–1981)
Medical Intern, Strong Memorial Hospital (1979–1980)
Senior Clinician Scientist Award, Department of Veterans Affairs (2020)
Wiggers Award (2020)
Outstanding Mentorship in Research Award (2018)
SUNY Distinguished Professor (2015)
Robert J. Bache Award (2012)
SUNY Chancellor‘s Award for Excellence in Scholarship & Creative Activities (2010)
Distinguished Alumnus Award (2008)
Stockton Kimball Award (2005)
University at Buffalo Sustained Achievement Award (2003)
Association of University Cardiologists (2003)
Clinical Investigator Award NHLBI (1988)
Sinsheimer Scholar (1983)
American Heart Association Louis N. Katz Award Finalist (1982)
John C. Sable Memorial Heart Fund Award (1982)
John Watson Award in Medicine (1979)
Upjohn Research Award in Medicine (1979)
Alpha Omega Alpha (1979)
Buswell Student Research Award (1978)
James A. Gibson Anatomical Society (1976)
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honorary Society (1975)
Castle Connolly Top Doctor
Best Doctors in America
Research Expertise:
Cardiovascular stem cell therapy
Chronic adaptations to myocardial ischemia
Heart Failure with a Preserved Ejection Fraction
Sudden cardiac death
Research Centers:
Center for Research in Cardiovascular Medicine
Clinical and Translational Research Center (CTRC)
Grants and Sponsored Research:
July 2020–June 2028 VA Merit Review, 2IO1BX002659, Preventing and Reversing Interstitial Fibrosis in HFpEF Department of Veterans Affairs Role: Principal Investigator $1,349,984
November 2016–December 2024 Prediction of Arrhythmic Events with Positron Emission Tomography - II (PAREPET II) National Heart Lung and Blood Institute - NHLBI Role: Co-Principal Investigator $3,726,616
September 2017–August 2024 K12 HL138052 National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, UB Clinical Scholar Program in implementation science to achieve triple aims UB Clinical Scholar Program in Implementation Science to Achieve Triple Aims Role: Co-Principal Investigator $1,022,277
January 2016–December 2019 VA Merit Review, Dynamic remodeling from reversible ischemia and sudden cardiac arrest VA Role: Co-Investigator $649,600
January 2016–January 2019 Clinical Translational Science Award (CTSA) National Institutes of Health Role: Co-Principal Investigator $16,000,000
January 2013–December 2018 T3-Nanformulation Evaluation in Preparation for Clinical Trials UB Cat Role: Principal Investigator
November 2014–October 2018 Mechanisms of cKit+ Cardiac Stem Cell-Mediated Repair in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Role: Principal Investigator $2,056,476
July 2015–June 2017 Self-replicating RNA-nanoplexes for Programming Monocytes to Regenerate the Heart National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Role: Co-Investigator $432,013
January 2011–December 2015 Biomarker Release after Reversible Ischemia American Heart Association Role: Co-Investigator $385,000
August 1996–November 2015 Chronic Adaptations to Myocardial Ischemia NIH Role: Principal Investigator $1,850,918
July 2013–June 2015 T3np for Cardiac Resuscitation - Pivotal Pre-Clinical Trial UB CAT/Pro-Al Medico Technologies Role: Co-Investigator
December 2013–December 2014 UB CAT: T3 Nanformulation Evaluation in Preparation for Clinical Trials Pro Al Medico Technologies Inc. Role: Co-Investigator $200,000
May 2010–April 2012 PET/CT for Multidimensional Translational Cardiovascular Research NIH Role: Co-Investigator $2,000,000
January 2006–January 2012 NIH National Heart Lung and Blood Institute:Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapeutics in Hibernating Myocardium NIH National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Role: Co-Investigator $1,923,795
July 2007–June 2011 Department of Veterans Affairs. Statins and Growth Factors for Chronic Ischemic Heart Failure Role: Principal Investigator $712,500
July 2007–June 2008 New York State Stem Cell Science Institutional Support Pilot Project Award NYSTEM Role: Principal Investigator
Messé SR, Overbey JR, Thourani VH, Moskowitz AJ, Gelijns AC, Groh MA, Mack MJ, Ailawadi G, Furie KL, Southerland AM, James ML, Moy CS, Gupta L, Voisine P, Perrault LP, Bowdish ME, Gillinov AM, O'Gara PT, Ouzounian M, Whitson BA, Mullen JC, Miller MA, Gammie JS, Pan S, Erus G, Browndyke JN, . (2022) The impact of perioperative stroke and delirium on outcomes after surgical aortic valve replacement. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery (Mar).
Gammie JS, Chu MWA, Falk V, Overbey JR, Moskowitz AJ, Gillinov M, Mack MJ, Voisine P, Krane M, Yerokun B, Bowdish ME, Conradi L, Bolling SF, Miller MA, Taddei-Peters WC, Jeffries NO, Parides MK, Weisel R, Jessup M, Rose EA, Mullen JC, Raymond S, Moquete EG, O'Sullivan K, Marks ME, Iribarne A, Beyersdorf F, Borger MA, Geirsson A, Bagiella E, Hung J, Gelijns AC, O. (2022) Concomitant Tricuspid Repair in Patients with Degenerative Mitral Regurgitation. The New England journal of medicine (Jan), 386(4): 327-339. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2115961
Januzzi JL, Canty JM, Das S, DeFilippi CR, Gintant GA, Gutstein DE, Jaffe A, Kaushik EP, Leptak C, Mehta C, Pina I, Povsic TJ, Rambaran C, Rhyne RF, Salas M, Shi VC, Udell JA, Unger EF, Zabka TS, Seltzer JH. (2021) Gaining Efficiency in Clinical Trials With Cardiac Biomarkers: JACC Review Topic of the Week. Journal of the American College of Cardiology (Apr), 77(15): 1922-1933.
Suzuki G, Weil BR, Young, Rebeccah, Fallavollita JA, Canty J. (2019) Nonocclusive Multivessel Intracoronary Infusion of Allogeneic Cardiosphere-derived Cells Early After Reperfusion Prevents Remote Zone Myocyte Loss and Improves Global Left Ventricular Function in Swine with Myocardial Infarction. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (Aug), 317(2): H345-H356.
Thygesen K, Alpert JS, Jaffe AS, Chaitman BR, Bax JJ, Morrow DA, White HD, Mickley H, Crea F, Van de Werf F, Bucciarelli-Ducci C, Katus HA, Pinto FJ, Antman EM, Hamm CW, De Caterina R, Januzzi JL, Apple FS, Alonso Garcia MA, Underwood SR, Canty JM, Lyon AR, Devereaux PJ, Zamorano JL, Lindahl B, Weintraub WS, Newby LK, Virmani R, Vranckx P, Cutlip D, Gibbons RJ, Smith SC, Atar D, Luepker RV, Robertson RM, Bonow RO, Steg PG, O. (2019) Fourth universal definition of myocardial infarction (2018). European Heart Journal 2019;40:237-269 (Jan), 40(January): 237-269.
Weil BR, Young, Rebeccah, Shen, Xiaomeng, Suzuki G, Qu J, Malhotra S, Canty J. (2017) Brief Myocardial Ischemia Produces Cardiac Troponin I Release and Focal Myocyte Apoptosis in the Absence of Pathological Infarction in Swine. J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Science (Apr), 2(2): 114-105.
Malhorta S and Canty, Jr. JM. (2017) American Perspective: Comparing the AHA/ACC and ESC guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (Jan).
Weil BR, RF Young, X Shen, G Suzuki, JK Qu, S Malhotra and JM Canty, Jr. (2017) Brief myocardial ischemia produces cardiac troponin I release and focal myocyte apoptosis in the absence of pathological infarction in swine. J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Sci (Jan), 2(2): 105-114.
Canty, Jr. JM and BR Weil. (2017) Cortical Bone Stem Cells Administered at Reperfusion Attenuate Adverse Post-Infarction Left Ventricular Remodeling and Prevent Myocyte Loss at a Distance. Circulation Research (Jan), 121: 1210-1213.
Fallavollita JA, JD Dare, RL Carter, S Baldwa and JM Canty Jr. (2017) Denervated myocardium is preferentially associated with sudden cardiac arrest in ischemic cardiomyopathy. A pilot competing risks analysis of cause-specific mortality. Circ Cardiovascular Imaging (Jan), 10: e0064.
Canty, Jr. JM. (2017) Is it still important to evaluate patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy for viable dysfunctional myocardium prior to myocardial revascularization?. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine (Jan), 17.
Malhotra, S and Canty, Jr. JM. (2017) Vasodilator stress and left ventricular asynchrony. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (Jan), 24(1): 53-56.
Zlotnick DM and Canty JM Jr. (2016) Striking a balance: Individualizing antithrombotic therapy after myocardial infarction. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine (Jan), 74: 19-30.
Weil BR, Suzuki G, Leiker MM, Fallavollita JA, Canty, Jr. JM. (2015) Comparative efficacy of intracoronary allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells and cardiosphere derived cells in swine with hibernating myocardium. Circulation Research (Sep), 117: 634-644.
Al-Zaiti SS, Fallavollita JA, Canty, Jr. JM, Carey MG. (2015) The prognostic value of discordant T waves in lead aVR: A simple risk marker of sudden cardiac arrest in ischemic cardiomyopathy. J Electrocardiol (Sep), 17(8): 887-892.
Malhotra S, Fernandez SF, Fallavollita JA, Canty Jr JM. (2015) Prognostic significance of imaging myocardial sympathetic innnervation. Curr Cardiol Rep (Aug), 17(8): 62.
Gillinov AM, Canty J. (2015) Surgical Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation During Mitral-valve Surgery. N Engl J Med (Jan), 372: 1399-1409.
Canty JM Jr, Duncker DJ, Koller D, and Merkus D. (2015) Regulation of coronary blood flow in health and ischemic heart disease. Prog Cardiovasc Dis (Jan), 57: 409-422.
Page BJ, Banas MD, Suzuki G, Weil BR, Young RF, Fallavollita JA, Palka BA and Canty JM Jr. (2015) Revascularization of chronic hibernating myocardium stimulates myocyte proliferation and partially reverses chronic adaptations to ischemia. J Am College Card (Jan), 65(7): 684-697.
Suzuki G, Weil B, Leiker MM, Ribbeck AE, Young RF, Canty JM. (2014) Global intracoronary infusion of allogeneic cardiosphere-derived cells (CDCs) immediately after reperfusion stimulates myocyte regeneration in remote viable myocardium in swine with acute myocardial infarction. PLOS ONE (Nov), 9(11).
Qu J, Young R, Page BJ, Shen X, Tata N, Li J, Duan X, Fallavollita JA, Canty JM Jr. (2014) A reproducible ion current-based approach for 24-plex comparison of the tissue proteomes of hibernating vs normal myocardium in swine models. J Proteome Research (Jan), 13(5): 2571-2584.
Weil BR and Canty, Jr. JM. (2014) Ceramide signaling in the coronary microcirculation: A double-edged sword?. Circulation Research (Jan), 115: 475-477.
Al-Zaiti SS, Fallavollita JA, Canty JM Jr and Carey MG. (2014) Electrocardiographic predictors of sudden and non-sudden cardiac death in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Heart Lung: Journal of Acute and Critical Care (Jan), 43: 527-533.
Sharma UC and Canty JM Jr. (2014) Myocardial repair around-the-clock. Circ Res (Jan), 114(11): 1675-1677.
Goldberger JJ, Basu A, Boineau R, Buxton AE, Cain ME, Canty JM Jr, Chen PS, Chugh SS, Costantini O, Exner DV, Kadish AH, Lee B, Lloyd-Jones D, Moss A, Myerburg R, Olgin J, Passman R, Stevenson W, Tomaselli G, Zareba W, Zipes DP and Zoloth L. (2014) Risk stratification for sudden cardiac death: A plan for the future. Circulation (Jan), 129: 516-526.
Fallavollita JA, Heavey BM, Luisi AJ Jr, Michalek SM, Baldwa S, Mashtare TL, Hutson AD, deKemp RA, Haka MS, Sajjad M, Cimato TR, Curtis AB, Cain ME and Canty JM Jr. (2014) Regional myocardial sympathetic denervation predicts the risk of sudden cardiac arrest in ischemic cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol (Jan), 63: 141-149.
Shen X, Young R, Canty Jr, JM and Qu J. (2014) Quantitative proteomics in cardiovascular research: global and targeted strategies. Proteom Clin Apps (Jan), 8: 488-505.
Fernandez SF, Ovchinnikov V, Canty JM Jr, Fallavollita JA. (2013) Hibernating Myocardium Results in Partial Sympathetic Denervation and Nerve Sprouting. Am J. Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (Jan), 304: H318-H327.
Canty, Jr. JM. (2013) "The role of short QT interval and elevated LV end-diastolic pressure in the genesis of ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation.". Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. (Jan).
Pizzuto MF, Suzuki G, Banas MD,Heavey B, Fallavolita JA and Canty JM Jr. (2013) Dissociaton of hemodynamic and electrocardiographic indices of myocardial ischemia in pigs with hibernating myocardium and sudden cardiac death. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (Jan), 304: H1697-H1707.
Pizzuto MF, Suzuki G, Banas MD, Heavey B, Fallavollita JA and Canty JM. (2013) Dissociation of hemodynamic and electrocardiographic indices of myocardial ischemia in pigs with hibernating myocardium and sudden cardiac death. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. (Jan), 304: 1697-1707.
Page BJ, Young RF, Suzuki G, Fallavollita JA and Canty JM Jr. (2013) The Physiological Significance of a Coronary Stenosis Differentially Affects Contractility and Mitochondrial Function in Viable Chronically Dysfunctional Myocardium. Basic Research in Cardiology (Jan), 108: 354.
Cary MG, Al-Zaiti SS, Canty JM Jr and Fallavollita JA. (2012) High-risk electrocardiographic parameters are ubiquitous in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology (Jan), 17: 245-251.
Canty Jr, JM and Suzuki G. (2012) Myocardial perfusion and contraction in acute ischemia and chronic ischemic heart disease. J Mol Cell Cardiol (Jan), 52: 822-831.
Suzuki G, Iyer V, Lee TC, Canty, JM Jr. (2011) Autologous mesenchymal stem cells mobilize cKit positive and CD133 positive bone marrow progenitor cells and improve regional function in hibernating myocardium. Circulation Research (Oct), 109(9): 1044-1054.
Fernandez SF, Basra M and Canty, Jr. JM. (2011) Takotsubo cardiomyopathy following initial chemotherapy presenting with syncope and cardiogenic shock - a case report and literature review. J Clinic Experiment Cardiology (Jan), 17: 1107-1115.
Tu C, J Li, R Young, BJ page, F. Engler, MS Halfon, JM Canty Jr. and J Qu. (2011) Combinatorial peptide ligand library treatment followed by a dual-enzyme, dual-activation approach on a nanoflow liquid chromatography/orbitrap/electron transfer dissocation system for comprehensive analysis of swine plasma proteome. Anal. Chem. (Jan), 2(2): 4802-4813.
Cary MG, AJ Luisi Jr,, S Baldwa, MJ Veneziano, S Al-Zaiti, RA deKemp, JM Canty Jr and JA Fallavollita. (2010) The Selvester QRS Score is More Accurate than Q Waves and Fragmented QRS Complexes using the Mason-Likar Configuration in Estimating infarct Volume in Patients with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy. J Electrocardiology (Jan), 43: 318-325.
Fallavollita JA, Luisi AJ Jr, Yun E, deKemp RA and Canty JM Jr. (2010) An abbreviated hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp results in similar myocardial glucose utilization in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (Jan), 17: 637-645.
Sidhu S, A Gangasani, LB Korotchkina, G Suzuki, JA Fallavollita, JM Canty and MS Patel. (2008) Tissue-specific pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency causes cardiac hypertrophy and sudden death of weaned male mice. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. (Jan), 295: 946-952.
Carey MG, Luisi AJ, Baldwa S, Thomas JM, Canty JM, Fallavollita, JA. (2007) The presence of Q Waves, QRS Fragmerntation or QRS Duration does not correlate with scar volume in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy circulation. Circulation (Jan), 116.
Banas, M.D. Young, H. Fallavollita, J.A. Canty, J.M., Jr. (2006) Persistent reductions in flow and function after revascularization of swine with hibernating myocardium. Journal of the American College of Cardiology (Jan).
Canty, Jr. JM. (2006) Brief sympathetic activation precedes the development of VT/VF in hibernating myocardium. J. Electrocardiol (Jan), 39: 140-145.
Suzuki, G Lee, TC Fallavollita, JA Canty, JM, Jr. (2005) Adenoviral gene transfer of FGF-5 to hibernating myocardium improves function and stimulates myocytes to hypertrophy and reenter the cell cycle. Circulation Research (Jan), 96: 767-775.
Gangasani, A. Sidhu, S. Fallavollita, J.A. Korotchkina, L. G. Suzuki, G. Patel, M.S. Canty, J.M., Jr. (2005) Cardiac pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) deficiency in mice leads to myocardial hypertrophy and cardiomyopathy. Circulation (Jan), 112(II): II-21-II-22.
Canty, J. M. Fallavollita, J. A. (2005) Hibernating myocardium. J Nucl Cardiol (Jan), 12(1): 104-119.
Fallavollita, J.A. Riegel, B.J. Suzuki, G. Valeti, U. Canty, J.M., Jr. (2005) Mechanism of sudden cardiac death in pigs with viable chronically dysfunctional myocardium and ischemic cardiomyopathy. American Journal of Physiology - Heart & Circulatory Physiology (Jan), 289: H2688-H2696.
Luisi AJ Canty, J.M., Jr. deKemp, R.A. Haka, M.S. Toorongian, S.A. Fallavollita, J.A. (2005) Patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy eligible for ICD therapy demonstrate extensive sympathetic denervation out of proportion to previous infarction. Circulation (Jan), 112: 472-472.
Luisi AJ Fallavollita, J.A. Luisi, A.J. Valverde, A.M. Michalek, S.M. Heavey, B.M. Canty, J.M. (2005) Electrocardiographic risk stratification of sudden cardiac death. J Electrocardiol (Jan), 35(4S): 140-140.
Canty JM, Suzuki G, Banas MD, Verheyen F, Borgers M, Fallavollita JA. (2004) Hibernating Myocardium. Chronically Adapted to Ischemia but Vulnerable to Sudden Death. Circ Res (Mar).
Thijssen VL, Borgers M, Lenders MH, Ramaekers FC, Suzuki G, Palka B, Fallavollita JA, Thomas SA, Canty JM Jr. (2004) Temporal and Spatial Variations in Structural Protein Expression During the Progression From Stunned to Hibernating Myocardium. Circulation (Jan), 110(21): 2213-2221.
Canty JM, Fallavollita JA. (2003) Sympathetic nerves and myocyte necrosis: more than meets the eye. Circ Res (Oct), 93(9): 796-798.
Fallavollita JA, Malm BJ, Canty JM. (2003) Hibernating myocardium retains metabolic and contractile reserve despite regional reductions in flow, function, and oxygen consumption at rest. Circ Res (Jan), 92(1): 48-55.
Malm BJ, Suzuki G, Canty JM, Fallavollita JA. (2002) Variability of contractile reserve in hibernating myocardium: dependence on the method of inotropic stimulation. Cardiovasc Res (Dec), 56(3): 422-432.
Thomas SA, Fallavollita JA, Suzuki G, Borgers M, Canty JM. (2002) Dissociation of regional adaptations to ischemia and global myolysis in an accelerated Swine model of chronic hibernating myocardium. Circ Res (Nov), 91(10): 970-977.
Fallavollita JA, Logue M, Canty JM. (2002) Coronary patency and its relation to contractile reserve in hibernating myocardium. Cardiovasc Res (Jul), 55(1): 131-140.
Canty JM, Lee TC. (2002) Troponin I Proteolysis and Myocardial Stunning: Now You See It-Now You Don‘t. J Mol Cell Cardiol (Apr), 34(4): 375-377.
Fallavollita JA, Canty JM. (2002) Ischemic cardiomyopathy in pigs with two-vessel occlusion and viable, chronically dysfunctional myocardium. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (Apr), 282(4): 1370-1379.
Luisi AJ, Fallavollita JA, Suzuki G, Canty JM. (2002) Spatial inhomogeneity of sympathetic nerve function in hibernating myocardium. Circulation (Jan), 106(7): 779-781.
Canty, Jr. JM, T-C Lee. (2002) Troponin I proteolysis and mocardial stunning: Now you see it - now you don't. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. (Jan), 34: 375-377.
Canty JM Jr, Suzuki G. (2002) Heterogeneity of apoptosis and myolysis in coronary microembolization: A competition between programmed cell death and programmed cell survival. European Heart Journal (Jan), 23(11): 838-840.
Fallavollita JA, Lim H, Canty JM. (2001) Myocyte apoptosis and reduced SR gene expression precede the transition from chronically stunned to hibernating myocardium. J Mol Cell Cardiol (Nov), 33(11): 1937-1944.
Fallavollita JA, Logue M, Canty JM. (2001) Stability of hibernating myocardium in pigs with a chronic left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis: absence of progressive fibrosis in the setting of stable reductions in flow, function and coronary flow reserve. J Am Coll Cardiol (Jun), 37(7): 1989-1995.
Dube S, Canty JM. (2001) Shear stress-induced vasodilation in porcine coronary conduit arteries is independent of nitric oxide release. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (Jun), 280(6): 2581-2590.
Feng J, Schaus BJ, Fallavollita JA, Lee T, Canty, Jr. JM. (2001) Preload induces troponin I degradation independently of myocardial ischemia. Circulation (Apr), 103(16): 2035-2037.
Pizzuto MF, AM Valverde, BM Heavey, MD Basnas, N Michelakis, G Suzuki, JA Fallavollita and JM Canty Jr. (2001) Brief sympathetic activation precedes the development of VT/VF in reductions in flow, function and coronary flow reserve. J. Am. .Coll. Cardiol (Jan), 37: 1989-1995.
Fallavollita JA, Logue M, Canty JM. (2001) Stability of hibernating myocardium in pigs with chronic LAD stenosis: Absence of progressive fibrosis in the setting of stable reductions in flow, function and coronary flow reserve. J Am Coll Cardiol, (Jan), 37: 1989-1995.
Kositprapa C, Zhang B, Berger S, Canty JM, Lee TC. (2000) Calpain-mediated proteolytic cleavage of troponin I induced by hypoxia or metabolic inhibition in cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes. Mol Cell Biochem (Nov), 214(1-2): 47-55.
Fallavollita JA, Trojan C, Canty JM. (2000) Transmural distribution of FDG uptake in stunned myocardium. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (Jul), 279(1): 102-109.
Canty JM, Fallavollita JA. (2000) Chronic hibernation and chronic stunning: a continuum. J Nucl Cardiol (Jan), 7(5): 509-527.
Canty, Jr. JM. (2000) Nitric oxide and short-term hibernation. Friend or foe?. Circ. Res. (Jan), 87: 85-87.
Lim H, Fallavollita JA, Hard R, Kerr CW, Canty JM. (1999) Profound apoptosis-mediated regional myocyte loss and compensatory hypertrophy in pigs with hibernating myocardium. Circulation (Dec), 100(23): 2380-2386.
Fallavollita JA, Jacob S, Young RF, Canty JM. (1999) Regional alterations in SR Ca(2+)-ATPase, phospholamban, and HSP-70 expression in chronic hibernating myocardium. Am J Physiol (Oct), 277(4 Pt): 1418-1428.
Thomas SA, Fallavollita JA, Lee T, Feng J, Canty, Jr. JM. (1999) Absence of troponin I degradation or altered sarcoplasmic reticulum uptake protein expression after reversible ischemia in swine. Circ Res (Sep), 85(5): 446-456.
Fallavollita JA, Canty JM. (1999) Differential 18F-2-deoxyglucose uptake in viable dysfunctional myocardium with normal resting perfusion: evidence for chronic stunning in pigs. Circulation (Jun), 99(21): 2798-2805.
Fallavollita JA, Perry BJ, Canty JM. (1997) 18F-2-deoxyglucose deposition and regional flow in pigs with chronically dysfunctional myocardium. Evidence for transmural variations in chronic hibernating myocardium. Circulation (Apr), 95(7): 1900-1909.
Mehta NK, M Caroll, DE Sykes, Z Tan, J Bergsland, JM Canty, JN Bhayana, EL Hoover and TA Salerno. (1997) Heat shock protein 70 expression in native and heterotopically transplanted rat hearts. J. Surg (Jan), 70: 151-155.
Fallavollita JA, BJ Perry and JM Canty Jr. (1997) F-2-deoxyglucose deposition and regional flow in pigs with chronically dysfunctional myocardium: Evidence for transmural variations in chronic hibernating myocardium. Circulation (Jan), 95: 1900-1909.
Fallavollita JA, Kumar K, Brody AS, Bunnell IL, Canty JM. (1996) Detection of coronary artery calcium to differentiate patients with early coronary atherosclerosis from luminally normal arteries. Am J Cardiol (Dec), 78(11): 1281-1284.
Canty JM, Smith TP. (1995) Modulation of coronary autoregulatory responses by endothelium-derived nitric oxide. Int J Cardiol (Jul), 50(3): 207-215.
Canty JM, Smith TP. (1995) Adenosine-recruitable flow reserve is absent during myocardial ischemia in unanesthetized dogs studied in the basal state. Circ Res (Jun), 76(6): 1079-1087.
Rajagopalan S, Dube S, Canty JM. (1995) Regulation of coronary diameter by myogenic mechanisms in arterial microvessels greater than 100 microns in diameter. Am J Physiol (Feb), 268(2 Pt): 788-793.
Canty JM, Fallavollita JA. (1995) Hibernating myocardium represents a primary downregulation of regional myocardial oxygen consumption distal to a critical coronary stenosis. Basic Res Cardiol (Jan), 90(1): 5-8.
Canty JM, Schwartz JS. (1994) Nitric oxide mediates flow-dependent epicardial coronary vasodilation to changes in pulse frequency but not mean flow in conscious dogs. Circulation (Jan), 89(1): 375-384.
Fallavollita JA, Brody AS, Bunnell IL, Kumar K, Canty JM. (1994) Fast computed tomography detection of coronary calcification in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. Comparison with angiography in patients < 50 years old. Circulation (Jan), 89(1): 285-290.
Satoh S, Klocke FJ, Canty JM. (1993) Tone-dependent coronary arterial-venous pressure differences at the cessation of venous outflow during long diastoles. Circulation (Sep), 88(3): 1238-1244.
Smith TP, Canty JM. (1993) Modulation of coronary autoregulatory responses by nitric oxide. Evidence for flow-dependent resistance adjustments in conscious dogs. Circ Res (Aug), 73(2): 232-240.
Canty, Jr. JM. (1993) Measurement of Myocardial Perfusion by fast X-ray computed Tomography. Am. J. Cardiac Imag. (Jan), 7: 309-316.
Canty JM, Judd RM, Brody AS, Klocke FJ. (1991) First-pass entry of nonionic contrast agent into the myocardial extravascular space. Effects on radiographic estimates of transit time and blood volume. Circulation (Nov), 84(5): 2071-2078.
Farhi ER, Canty JM, Klocke FJ. (1991) Dissociation of diastolic pressure-segment length and pressure-wall thickness relations during vasodilation in the conscious dog. J Am Coll Cardiol (Sep), 18(3): 850-857.
Canty JM, Giglia J, Kandath D. (1990) Effect of tachycardia on regional function and transmural myocardial perfusion during graded coronary pressure reduction in conscious dogs. Circulation (Nov), 82(5): 1815-1825.
Canty JM, Brooks A. (1990) Phasic volumetric coronary venous outflow patterns in conscious dogs. Am J Physiol (May), 258(5 Pt): 1457-1463.
Farhi ER, Canty JM, Klocke FJ. (1989) Effects of graded reductions in coronary perfusion pressure on the diastolic pressure-segment length relation and the rate of isovolumic relaxation in the resting conscious dog. Circulation (Nov), 80(5): 1458-1468.
Grant BJ, Canty JM. (1989) Effect of cardiac output on pulmonary hemodynamics. Respir Physiol (Jun), 76(3): 303-317.
Canty JM. (1988) Coronary pressure-function and steady-state pressure-flow relations during autoregulation in the unanesthetized dog. Circ Res (Oct), 63(4): 821-836.
Canty JM, Klocke FJ. (1987) Reductions in regional myocardial function at rest in conscious dogs with chronically reduced regional coronary artery pressure. Circ Res (Nov), 61(5 Pt): 107-116.
Canty JM, Klocke FJ, Mates RE. (1987) Characterization of capacitance-free pressure-flow relations during single diastoles in dogs using an RC model with pressure-dependent parameters. Circ Res (Feb), 60(2): 273-282.
Klocke FJ, Canty JM, Arani DT, Krawczyk JA. (1986) Adjustments in regional coronary perfusion accompanying reductions in regional coronary arterial pressure. Can J Cardiol (Jul), Suppl: 200-204.
Canty JM, Klocke FJ, Mates RE. (1985) Pressure and tone dependence of coronary diastolic input impedance and capacitance. Am J Physiol (May), 248(5 Pt): 700-711.
Klocke FJ, Mates RE, Canty JM, Ellis AK. (1985) Coronary pressure-flow relationships. Controversial issues and probable implications. Circ Res (Mar), 56(3): 310-323.
Klocke FJ, Weinstein IR, Klocke JF, Ellis AK, Kraus DR, Mates RE, Canty JM, Anbar RD, Romanowski RR, Wallmeyer KW, Echt MP. (1981) Zero-flow pressures and pressure-flow relationships during single long diastoles in the canine coronary bed before and during maximum vasodilation. Limited influence of capacitive effects. J Clin Invest (Oct), 68(4): 970-980.
Duncker DJGM and Canty JM Jr. (2021) Coronary Blood Flow and Myocardial Ischemia. In: Braunwald's Heart Disease. Elsevier, 609-635.
Fernandez SF, Canty JM, Fallavollita J. (2017) Atlas of Cardiac Innervation. In: PET imaging and quantitation of cardiac innervation. Spring International Publishing, 71-82.
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Canty, Jr. JM. (1997) Stunning, Hibernation and Preconditioning: Clinical Pathophysiology of Myocardial Ischemia. In: Myocardial perfusion-contraction matching. Vatner and Wijns, 49-68.
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Klocke, F. J., R. E. Mates, J. M. Canty, Jr. and A. K. Ellis. (1987) Simulation and Control of the Cardiac System. In: Current controversies concerning coronary pressure-flow relationships. CRC Press, 169-180.
Klocke, F. J., J. M. Canty, Jr., and R. E. Mates. JM. (1984) Functional Aspects of the Normal, Hypertrophied and Failing Heart. F. L. Abel and W.H. Newman, editors. In: Evolving concepts of coronary pressure-flow relationships. Martinus Nijhoff Publishing, 40-56.
Mates, R. E., T. Burns, J. M. Canty, R. Greenberg and J. Neeson. JM. (1983) Mechanics of the Coronary Circulation. In: Modeling diastolic impedance to coronary blood flow. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 41-44.
Allen, S, Ang, S, Smith, C, Techiryan, G, Canty J, Weil BR. (2019) Deterioration of Hemodynamic Support During Prolonged Mechanical CPR in a Porcine Model of Cardiac Arrest. AHA Resuscitation Symposium 2019, (Nov) 2049-2064
Weil BR, Allen, S, Barbaccia, B, Young, R, Palka, B, Canty J. (2019) A Blinded, Randomized, Vehicle-Controlled Preclinical Trial of Novel Nanoparticle Formulations of Triiodothyronine in Cardiac Arrest. American Heart Association - Resuscitation Science Symposium 2019, (Nov)
Wang, JZ, Kaps, N, Lavallee, A, Renaud, J, Zelt, J, Beanlands, R, Fallavollita JA, Canty J, deKemp, R. (2019) Quantitative imaging biomarkers of cardiac sympathetic innervation and perfusion using C-11-metahydroxyephedrine and N-13-ammonia PET in ischemic cardiomyopathy. International Congress of Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT, (May)
Wang, JZ, Kaps, N, Lavallee, A, Renaud, J, Zelt, J, Beanlands, R, Fallavollita JA, Canty J, deKemp, R. (2019) Comparison of C-11-meta-hydroxyephedrine and N-13-ammonia PET imaging biomarkers of cardiac sympathetic innervation and perfusion in ischemic cardiomyopathy. Journal Nucelar Medicine, (Jan)
Singh V, Malhotra S, Canty J, Fallavollita JA. (2018) The volume of denervated myocardium predicts sudden cardiac death (SCD) and ICD therapies for VF but not ICD therapies for slower ventricular tachyarrhythmia (VT): An analysis of the prediction of arrhythmic events with positron emission tomography (PARE. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, (May)
Professional Memberships:
European Society of Cardiology; Member (2014–present)
Member, AAMC Council of Faculty and Academic Societies (CFAS) (2013–2016)
President, Association of Professors of Cardiology, 2012-2013 (2012–2013)
Member, International Society for Heart Research, 2011 - present (2011–present)
Fellow, American Physiological Society Cardiovascular Section (2005–present)
Fellow of the American Heart Association, Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences (2001–present)
Fellow, American College of Physicians, 1995 – present (1995–present)
Member, American Heart Association Council on Clinical Cardiology, 1993 – present (1993–2002)
Fellow, American Heart Association Council on Circulation, 1985 – 2001 (1985–2001)
Member, American College of Physicians, 1985 – 1994 (1985–1994)
Subspecialty Certification in Cardiovascular Diseases, 1985 (1985)
Member, American Physiological Society, 1985 – present (1985–present)
Fellow, American College of Cardiology, 1985 – present (1985–present)
Member, American Federation for Clinical Research, 1984 – 1998 (1984–1998)
Member, American Society for the Advancement of Science, 1984 – 1986 (1984–1986)
Diplomat, American Board of Internal Medicine, 1984 (1984)
Member, American Heart Association, 1983 (1983)
Affiliate, American College of Cardiology, 1982 – 1985 (1982–1985)
Associate, American College of Physicians, 1981 – 1985 (1981–1985)
Diplomat, National Board of Medical Examiners, 1980 (1980)
Member, American Heart Association Council on Basic Science
Biotechnology Task Force SUNY STRIVE; Member (2024–present)
NHLBI DSMB IMPROVE_AD study; Member (2023–present)
Search Committee, Chair, Department of Medicine (2023–2024)
DSMB NHLBI PIVATAL Study; Member (2022–present)
Presidents Review Board (2021–2025)
Search Committee Dean Jacobs School of Medicine and Vice President of Health Sciences (2021)
University at Buffalo Presidential Advisory Group; Member (2021–present)
European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Coronary Pathophysiology and MIcrocirculation; Member (2019–present)
JSMBS Committee on Awards and Promotion to Distinguished Ranks; Member (2018–present)
Editorial Board Member; Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine (2018–present)
University at Buffalo Distinguished ranks/Chancellor's Awards Selection Committee (2017–2020)
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Basic to Translational Science; Editorial Board Member (2016–present)
UB Clinical and Translational Science Award Executive Committee; Member (2015–present)
Member, NHLBI Program Project Review Committee (PPG Parent); Chaired or co-chaired 6-8 PPG review panels per year (2014–2018)
European Society of Cardiology Task Force for the Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction; Member (2014–2018)
Stockton Kimball Awards Selection Committee; Member (2014–present)
Member, American College of Cardiology Awards Committee, 2014 - 2016 Member, American College of Cardiology Awards Committee, 2014 - 2016; Member (2014–2016)
Member, AAMC Council of Faculty and Academic Societies (CFAS); UB Representative (2013–2016)
American Heart Association, Member, Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Writing Committee American Heart Association, Member, Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Writing Committee; Member (2013)
American Heart Association, Member, Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Writing Committee, Scientific Writing Committee "Preclinical Models of Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury."; Member (2013)
NHLBI DSMB for the Cardiothoracic Surgical Network (CTSN); Data Safety Monitoring Board (2012–present)
Member, American College of Cardiology Academic Cardiology Council Executive Committee Member, American College of Cardiology Academic Cardiology Council Executive Committee; Member (2012–2015)
University at Buffalo Faculty Senate Budget Priorities Committee; Member (2011–2012)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Ad hoc Member, PPG Special Emphasis Panel National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Ad hoc Member, PPG Special Emphasis Panel; Kirk Hammond, MD, University of California at San Diego, 2011.; Member (2011)
NHLBI Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee forthe Preclinical Consortium to Facilitate Translation and Cardioprotective Therapies (CAESAR); Chairman (2010–2016)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI; Ad hoc Member National Institutes of Health - NHLBI; Ad hoc Member; S10 Special Emphasis Panel, 2010; Member (2010)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Ad hoc Member, PPG Special Emphasis Panel. National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Ad hoc Member, PPG Special Emphasis Panel; Jun Sadoshima, Ph.D., UMDNJ, 2009.; Member (2009)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Ad hoc Member, PPG Special Emphasis Panel. National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Ad hoc Member, PPG Special Emphasis Panel; Roger Hajjar, M.D., Mount Sinai Medical School, 2009; Member (2009)
UB Clinical and Translational Science Award Steering Committee; Member (2008–2015)
Member, American College of Cardiology Research Awards Committee (ACCF) Member, American College of Cardiology Research Awards Committee (ACCF); Member (2008–2014)
American Heart Association; Member, Melvin L. Marcus Award Selection Committee American Heart Association; Member, Melvin L. Marcus Award Selection Committee.; Member (2008–2010)
American Heart Association; Member, AHA Scientific Publication Committee American Heart Association; Member, AHA Scientific Publication Committee; Member (2008–2009)
University Standing Committee for Facilities Planning and Budget; Member (2008–2009)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Member, R24 Special Emphasis Panel National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Member, R24 Special Emphasis Panel; Roberto, Bolli, MD, University of Louisville, 2008.; Member (2008)
American Heart Association, Member, Circulation Research Editor Selection Committee American Heart Association, Member, Circulation Research Editor Selection Committee.; Member (2008)
Association of Professors of Cardiology; President 2012-2013 , Council (2011-2014) (2007–2019)
American Heart Association; Member, AHA Interdisciplinary Committee on the Prevention of the Epidemiology and Prevention Council of the American Heart American Heart Association; Member, AHA Interdisciplinary Committee on the Prevention of the Epidemiology and Prevention Council of the American Heart Association; Member (2007–2010)
UBMD Internal Medicine (AMS), Member, Board of Directors; Member (2007–2010)
UBMD Project Team; Member (2007–2008)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Member, Program Project Special Emphasis Panel National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Member, Program Project Special Emphasis Panel, Kirk Hammond, M.D.; University of California at San Diego, 2006 and 2007.; Member (2006–2007)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Ad hoc Member, Mentored Patient Oriented Research Career Development Award Study Section National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Ad hoc Member, Mentored Patient Oriented Research Career Development Award Study Section, 2006.; Member (2006)
American Society of Nuclear Cardiology; Member, ASNC Task force on Cardiac Neural Imaging, 2006 American Society of Nuclear Cardiology; Member, ASNC Task force on Cardiac Neural Imaging, 2006; Member (2006)
National Institutes of health - NHLBI, Regular Member National Institutes of health - NHLBI, Regular Member; Myocardial Ischemia and Metabolism Study Section (MIMS), 2005-2009; Member (2005–2009)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Temporary Member, Myocardial Ischemia and Metabolism Study Section National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Temporary Member, Myocardial Ischemia and Metabolism Study Section; 2004-2005.; Member (2004–2005)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Ad hoc Member, Gene and Drug Delivery Systems Study Section National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Ad hoc Member, Gene and Drug Delivery Systems Study Section; 2004; Member (2004)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI; Ad hoc Member, Clinical Cardiovascular Sciences Special Emphasis Panel National Institutes of Health - NHLBI; Ad hoc Member, Clinical Cardiovascular Sciences Special Emphasis Panel, 2003-2004; Member (2003–2004)
University at Buffalo Faculty Senate; Delegate (2002–2004)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI; Member, Evaluation Committee for the Specialized Centers of Research (SCOR) in Ischemic Heart Disease, Heart Fa National Institutes of Health - NHLBI; Member, Evaluation Committee for the Specialized Centers of Research (SCOR) in Ischemic Heart Disease, Heart Failure and Sudden Cardiac Death, 2002.; Member (2002)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Ad hoc Member, Cardiovascular A special Emphasis panel 2002 National Institutes of Health - NHLBI: Ad hoc Member, Cardiovascular A special Emphasis panel 2002.; Member (2002)
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology; Member (1999–2019)
Regular Member, Cardiovascular Renal Study Section (CVB), 1999-2001 Regular Member, Cardiovascular Renal Study Section (CVB); Member (1999–2001)
University at Buffalo Faculty Research Advisory Council; Member (1999–2000)
Vice President’s Ad Hoc Committee on VA Research; Member (1999–2000)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI, Member, SPIR/STTR National Institutes of Health - NHLBI, Member, SPIR/STTR; Cardiovascular Sciences Initial Review Group.; Member (1999)
Circulation Research; Member (1998–2019)
National Institutes of health - Ad hoc Reviewer, Cardiovascular Renal Study Section (CVB) National Institutes of health - Ad hoc Reviewer, Cardiovascular Renal Study Section (CVB).; Ad Hoc Reviewer (1998–1999)
American Heart Association; Editor, Council on Circulation Newsletter American Heart Association; Editor, Council on Circulation Newsletter; Editor (1995–1997)
American Heart Association; Council on Circulation Representative, AHA Public Affairs Committee American Heart Association; Council on Circulation Representative, AHA Public Affairs Committee; Councilor (1995–1996)
American Heart Association, Member, Long Range Planning Committee; Council on Circulation Member, Long Range Planning Committee, Council on Circulation; Member (1995–1996)
American College of Cardiology; Chapter Councilor, New York State Chapter American College of Cardiology; Chapter Councilor, New York State Chapter.; Councilor (1994–1996)
American Heart Association; Associate Editor, Council on Circulation Newsletter American Heart Association; Associate Editor, Council on Circulation Newsletter.; Associate Editor (1994–1995)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI, Member, SCOR Site Visit National Institutes of Health - NHLBI, Member, SCOR Site Visit; Thomas Smith, Harvard Medical School.; Member (1994)
Basic Research in Cardiology; Member (1993–2015)
American Journal of Physiology, Heart Circulatory Physiology; Editorial Board Member (1993–present)
National Institutes of health - NHLBI, Regular Member National Institutes of health - NHLBI, Regular Member; Cardiovascular Renal Study Section (CVB).; Member (1993–1997)
American Heart Association; Ad hoc Reviewer - Melvin L. Marcus Award, 1993 American Heart Association; Ad hoc Reviewer - Melvin L. Marcus Award, 1993; Ad Hoc Reviewer (1993)
American College of Cardiology, Chairman, Computer Applications Committee Program, 1993 ACC Scientific Sessions American College of Cardiology, Chairman, Computer Applications Committee Program, 1993 ACC Scientific Sessions; Chair (1993)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI, Member, Special Emphasis Panel; National Institutes of Health - NHLBI, Member, Special Emphasis Panel on Effects of Sex Hormones on Coronary Artery Reactivity.; Member (1993)
Member, Executive Committee, Council on Circulation, AHA National Center Member, Executive Committee, Council on Circulation, AHA National Center; Member (1992–1997)
American Heart Association, Member, Budget Committee, Council on Circulation Member, Budget Committee, Council on Circulation; AHA National Center; Member (1992–1995)
University Public Relations Task Force on Animal Research; Member (1992–1994)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI, Member, Program Project Site Visit National Institutes of Health - NHLBI, Member, Program Project Site Visit; Julien I.E. Hoffman, University of California at San Francisco.; Member (1992)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI, Member, SCOR Site Visit National Institutes of Health - NHLBI, Member, SCOR Site Visit; D. Skorton, University of Iowa.; Member (1991)
American College of Cardiology, Member, Computer Applications Committee American College of Cardiology, Member, Computer Applications Committee.; Member (1990–1995)
National Institutes of Health - NHLBI, Member, SCOR Site Visit National Institutes of Health - NHLBI, Member, SCOR Site Visit; M. Marcus, University of Iowa.; Member (1989)
American Heart Association; Member, Program Committee of the Council on Circulation American Heart Association; Member, Program Committee of the Council on Circulation; Member (1985–1990)
Clinical and Translational Research Center 875 Ellicott Street Suite 7030 Buffalo, New York 14203 Phone: 716-829-2666 Fax: 716-854-1840