
Join our program, and you’ll learn from faculty members who are nationally and internationally recognized as leaders in their areas of biomedical informatics research. 

We have strong support and collaboration from both the basic science and clinical departments of multiple schools within our university.

Further, you’ll have the opportunity to work with one of the only five distinguished fellows of the American College of Medical Informatics of the American Medical Informatics Association.

Our collaborators include scientists, medical professionals, engineers and talented researchers from a variety of disciplines.

Wide-Ranging Research Interests

Our faculty members are known for their expertise and efforts in areas including:

  • structural bioinformatics
  • applied ontology work in setting international standards for biomedical descriptive terminology
  • translational bioinformatics
  • natural language processing
  • clinical quality/safety monitoring

Visit our individual profiles to see our research interests and areas of expertise:

Program Directors

Elkin, Peter


Professor and Chair, Department of Biomedical Informatics & Professor of Internal Medicine

UB Downtown Gateway 77 Goodell Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: 716 888 4854

Email: elkinp@buffalo.edu

Samudrala, Ram

Ram Samudrala, PhD

Professor and Chief, Division of Bioinformatics

77 Goodell St Gateway Building Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: 716-888-4858

Email: rams@buffalo.edu

Guest Faculty Member

Ross Koppel, PhD

Professor, Biomedical Informatics

Perelman School of Medicine

University of Pennsylvania

Phone: (215) 898 -7679

Email: rkoppel@sas.upenn.edu

UB Faculty Members

Ceusters, Werner

Werner Ceusters, MD

Division Chief, Biomedical Ontology

Department of Biomedical Informatics 77 Goodell street Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 881-8971

Email: ceusters@buffalo.edu

Buck, Michael

Michael Buck, PhD

Professor and Director Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics

Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Office 5148 955 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 881-7569; Fax: NA

Email: mjbuck@buffalo.edu

Dubocovich, Margarita

Margarita Dubocovich, PhD, FACNP, FASPET

SUNY Distinguished Professor

955 Main Street (Room 3212) Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 829-3048

Email: mdubo@buffalo.edu

Diehl, Alexander

Alexander Diehl, PhD

Associate Professor

Room 540K, Gateway Building 77 Goodell Street Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: 716-881-8975

Email: addiehl@buffalo.edu

Falls, Zackary

Zackary Falls, PhD

Assistant Professor

77 Goodell Street, Suite 540 Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: 7168818927

Email: zmfalls@buffalo.edu

Franklin, Gillian

UB Downtown Gateway 77 Goodell Street, Suite 540 Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: 716 888 4858; Fax: 716 887 3981

Email: gfrankli@buffalo.edu

Hall, Kendria

Kendria Hall, M.D., M.S., M.S.

Assistant Professor

77 Goodell Street, Suite 540 Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 888-4858; Fax: (716) 887-3981

Email: kendriah@buffalo.edu

Halfon, Marc

Marc Halfon, PhD


955 Main Street Room 5128 Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 829-3126; Fax: 716-849-6655

Email: mshalfon@buffalo.edu

Schwartz, Diane

Diane Schwartz, MLS

Research Associate Professor

UB Downtown Gateway Building 77 Goodell Street Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: 716-816-7221; Fax: none

Email: digs@buffalo.edu

Sun, Yijun

Yijun Sun, PhD

Professor of Bioinformatics and Associate Director of AI and Health Science

Room 5205 955 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: 716-8811374

Email: yijunsun@buffalo.edu

A Wide Reach

In addition to the faculty based in our department, we have dozens of adjunct faculty members with a broad range of informatics research from various UB departments in the schools of Medicine, Dental Medicine, Public Health and Health Professions, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nursing, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Management and the College of Arts and Sciences.